Dish extended warranty and DVR question


Original poster
Dec 20, 2003
I just added Dish's extended warranty for $1.99 a month to my account, however the wording on exactly what it covers was a bit vague.

I currently have 3 receivers, a 721, a 501, and a 301.

Does this warranty cover all my receivers? If not, what does it cover?

Thanks for the help.
Yes . It covers all your receivers lnbs & switches . It takes 30 days from the time you activate the warrenty to be able to use it.
It also does not cover labor for putting in the receivers or lnbf's if they go bad. The $4.99 per month warranty covers most of the fee but I believe they charge $30 still instead of the full amount for labor.

FINALLY got my 811 - one dumb q - 480i on HD outs?

Question in Regards to Spot Beams

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