DISH fighting the battle for DirectTV

Poppa Smurf

Original poster
Dec 28, 2003
I saw in another thread that DirectTV has another 6 months on thier deal with Viacom and I also see that some people are or have switched to DirectTV cause DirectTV doesn't/won't have this problem. Well it might be because Dish Network has basically fought the battle for them. All they gotta do now is go in there and say, hey you did this and that for Dish, we want the same deal. Is that possible?
Poppa Smurf said:
I saw in another thread that DirectTV has another 6 months on thier deal with Viacom and I also see that some people are or have switched to DirectTV cause DirectTV doesn't/won't have this problem. Well it might be because Dish Network has basically fought the battle for them. All they gotta do now is go in there and say, hey you did this and that for Dish, we want the same deal. Is that possible?

D* has already signed a deal with Viacom (a couple months back I believe) so they're set for several years. E* just doesn't have the power that cable or D* has at this point. They really need to merge with a bigger company to give them more leverage at the bargaining table.
SlicerMDM said:
D* has already signed a deal with Viacom (a couple months back I believe) so they're set for several years. E* just doesn't have the power that cable or D* has at this point. They really need to merge with a bigger company to give them more leverage at the bargaining table.

E* and D* have roughly the same amount of bargaining power, D* only has 1.5 million more subs. D* simply chose to bend over and take Viacom's huge increase and willingly pay a large price for Nicktoons and Dish didn't. It's pretty simple, they are forcing the same contract on everyone and Charlie decided to stand up and say no for a change. I think Charlie is doing everyone a favor by doing this, and it has nothing to do with needing a merge. Personally, I think they are doing fine as an independent company.
So Rupert Murdoch and News Corp didn't bring any leverage to the table? Uh... Ok. You go right ahead and believe that.

And, since you have such great knowledge about the "huge increase D* bent over and took" with the D*/Viacom deal, please enlighten me. Go ahead. In the meantime, I switched to D* last Dec and am STILL paying less than I was with E* and have more channels after D* recent rate increase.

You think releasing hardware before it's ready is fine?
You think miscalculating how SuperDish will work is fine?
You think selling hardware that isn't available fine?
You (obviously) think losing quite a few popular channels is fine?

I guess if that's what you want to put up with, that's cool!
SlicerMDM said:
So Rupert Murdoch and News Corp didn't bring any leverage to the table? Uh... Ok. You go right ahead and believe that.

And, since you have such great knowledge about the "huge increase D* bent over and took" with the D*/Viacom deal, please enlighten me. Go ahead. In the meantime, I switched to D* last Dec and am STILL paying less than I was with E* and have more channels after D* recent rate increase.

You think releasing hardware before it's ready is fine?
You think miscalculating how SuperDish will work is fine?
You think selling hardware that isn't available fine?
You (obviously) think losing quite a few popular channels is fine?

I guess if that's what you want to put up with, that's cool!

Viacom couldn't care less if Rupert didn't want their channels, Viacom didn't have anything more to lose from Direct than they did with Dish. D* customers would be pissed without MTV just as E* customers are at the time. Rupert being tied into Fox is not important to Viacom since Viacom only distributes channels, they don't own a cable or satellite service obviously where Fox's service would have been important. Also let me remind you that Rupert has publicly stated that Direct MUST CURB PROGRAMMING COSTS and there WILL BE high-profile programming disputes between Directv and programmers to get costs down. Rupert is as much (if not more) of a penny pincher than Charlie is. D* is not immune to this.

It's clear you aren't a fan of E*, I see you bashing them at every chance you get. Now that you have D*, you shouldn't worry about us E* folks anymore. I've had D* in the past, and I think there service is vastly inferior to Dish and I wouldn't have them back if their service was free. Others here that have Dish, feel the same way probably. It's a matter of opinion. IMO, I am proud of Charlie and have never been more proud to be a E* customer after seeing the special chat last night. Charlie is a good guy regardless of what anyone else thinks.

By the way, enjoy Rupert taking away your 30 second skip functions, limiting amount of time you can keep recordings, and putting other limitations on your PVRs!
So, the answer is you DON'T have any real info about how D* "bent over and took it" from Viacom? And your statement is just YOU slinging negative comments about D*, right?

No, I'm not a big fan of E* and have no reason to be after how they've handled all kinds of issues over the last year. And, they haven't improved AT ALL, IMO. You obviously don't mind any of that, and that's fine.

BTW, I hardly bash E* every chance I get. That would certainly be a full-time job and I know I have better things to do.

Nobody said you shouldn't be proud of Charlie, or E*, or the fact that most people can't get a 921 or 811 even though they're being sold by E*. It's certainly just an opinion.

And my opinion in this thread was simply that E* isn't fighting D* battles -- especially since D* fought this particular battle a couple months ago.

Hey I was on Tv today talking about the Viacom issue

fox news reports deals is close

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