Dish HD Demo Channel updated

goaliebob99 said:
It's now looping the dish video from CES. No fishies tonight... :D....

Drat! :( It must have been earlier. Right now, the fish are back and a diver is feeding them.:hungry:
Well thanx for reporting the fish are back. I was about to flip the TV back on and check because I didn't check before. I always suggested they do this since the other thing is out of date. Maybe tomorrow when they'd normally show the demo, the dish-hd video will be back on
No, it is on the 61.5 position (channel 9443). Don't worry, you really aren't missing anything.
This demo looked so GOOD at the big Echostar Press Conference, however it does not have the same sharpness at home. I mean it looked SO GOOD!
Really Scott? I think it looks pretty darn good right now. It is obvious to me that they are using more bandwith on this channel than many (all?) of the others. The crispness is unreal. I wish this is how all of the Voom channels looked.
I finally remembered to look at the new demo. On the plus side, no more 6000! On the minus side, it's too short and doesn't show any channel for more than a second or two.