Dish HD install at 9:45PM?!

Will the local retailer have to charge as well? How does that work?


Called the installer I had do my last two installs and they didn't have the parents in the system. Which tells me there must be a rookie retailer/installer in the area. My question though is, why didn't Dish use this trusted installer I've had the past two times? They recommended that I call Dish, cancel the existing work order, put a new one in and request the installer I want.
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So my parents finally jumped into the HDTV market. The currently subscribe to a provider that has 7 HD channels. Me being a DishHD customer, recommended DishHD to them.

Long story short, cable installer doesn't show. My mom finally calls in and they say he's running behind and will be there at 9:45PM! She has to get up early and go to work and tells the lady that not only will that not work, but that she would be concerned for his safety should he have to install on the roof of the house.

So the lady on the phone tells her that the next time he could come out would be the 20th! Mom says nope, that's not gonna happen, already have the TV setup in the living room, etc. So now he's "scheduled" to arrive between 8am and Noon on Sunday.

I've never had issues before with Dish like this, but jeez, what a way to start off treating your customers right and valuing their time.
Donb't lay all the blame on the tech. Ride with one on a typical work day and you'd see what can happen. One difficult job throws off the entire day. Or one customer that wants extra work done can do the same.
In it's desire to serve as many people as soon as possible Dish will cram as many jobs into a day as possible. Leaving out the possibilty of ANYTHING going wrong.
On a given day the company techs and depending upon the contractor's business model, are more likely to be overloaded with work. In other words far more work than they can get done in a normal (there's no such thing as an 8 hr work day, it's at least 10) work day.
The theory is not every job will be completed due to customer not home, no line of sight, etc..But if all the jobs in a techs workload complete, he may be getting to his last job at a very late hour.
It sucks.
For everyone.
I didn't lay blame to the tech, and if you look back, you'll see that my parents actually had genuine concern for the installer himself when the lady on the 800 number told her it was pushed back to a 9pm install.

Here's what I don't understand. I've had a company called Ketterman Communications do my last two installs. One in Southern IL and one in Southeast MO. No complaints at all, I like these guys. So I decide to give them a call to see if they can install. I give them the account number for my parents, and they can't find the work order anywhere in their system. I called Ketterman's main office, Cape Girardeau office, and Southern IL office in Marion...nothing.

Which tells me there's a new crackerjack retailer/installer in town/area. I don't want some half-ass installation after the issues they've already had with reschedules and just plain not showing up. I was going to have my parents call up Dish, cancel the existing work order and create a new one and instruct them to have Ketterman do the install, but now we're 5 days out from this other outfit doing the install.

Now my questions is...why, if this other installer was soooo booked, would Dish not check out the availability of Ketterman two weeks ago? I know for a fact that Ketterman has been doing this type of work for approx. 10 years now.

So now my fear is this. Mickey Mouse installer comes out next Tuesday, does craptactular job. Then we have to call and bitch to Dish, and have Ketterman come out and do clean up. My parent's have already asked that I come over just to make sure it goes ok (that, and I'm a tech guy, will give me a chance to play with their HDTV).
Dish is likely using their own install group or a company that does nothing but Dish work. In Ohio, or most of it, it's a company called "Digital Dish". ALL they do is Dish work.

Ketterman likely can't find anything because technically your parents are not customers yet. The "account number" you have may not be final yet (???). Someone with inside knowledge can confirm that. Is the acct # 16-digits like a credit card # ?
I would never go to Kettermans check out my thread for MY Dishnetwork HD Upgrade Horror storry. Kettermans was the BAD ONE that would not install my dish HD stay away from them.
KETTERMANS ARE HORRIBLE! CS is as bad as I have ever seen one company. You may also look for my Dishnetwork HD upgrade Horror story I posted on here months ago. They do not care for their customers, As during the process ended up having a different tech out at my house each time they came out (4 total times) even when I requested to them personally, not dish, to send out a certain person. I was willing to wait several days to get that person and was assured I would get the tech requested, who do I get, a couple of punk a$$ kids that didnt' know how to install the 722 with the HDMI adapter i provided.
AND OH BTW, after 4 techs (the last tech was there for a adjustment because the other cracker jack tweens couldnt' adjust the 1000+), my 118 local transponders are coming in at a steady 16-18 back and forth into the yellow/green and it shows when watching local channels. I will try to adjust myself before calling them again. Dish should be embarrassed they have such lousy service, especially since in my area they do all the installs for DISH for people that call DISH directly.
I would never go to Kettermans check out my thread for MY Dishnetwork HD Upgrade Horror storry. Kettermans was the BAD ONE that would not install my dish HD stay away from them.

Where at in Southern IL are you located if you don't mind me asking?
Well, here's another update. Dish has now canceled and rescheduled from tomorrow to Wednesday at the lovely 12-4 time slot.

Here is the chat conversation I had with Dish about a week ago.

"(05-03) Mark B: Unfortunately, the soonest available date is January 22. I do apologize about that, but there is no way to schedule it sooner. We simply don't have an available install date until then."

Now when my parents called this evening, they said they weren't down for the 22nd but the 23rd.

Most costumer's think we ony have one job per day, not caring that we have over 85 points a day to do = 4 jobs. Plus we have to fix old jobs due to crappy contractors.
8-hour work day? LOL!!!!

I only work 4 days a week for the Dish RSP here, and my days are very VERY rarely under 10 hours. On average 12-14 hour days. Dish only cares about units completed, not the distance I have to drive in a day (which happens to average around 200 miles).
8-hour work day? LOL!!!!

I only work 4 days a week for the Dish RSP here, and my days are very VERY rarely under 10 hours. On average 12-14 hour days. Dish only cares about units completed, not the distance I have to drive in a day (which happens to average around 200 miles).

Yeah but you like it, right?
Yeah but you like it, right?

I do enjoy the technical aspect and especially installing some HD, but I still work here for only one reason that I can't divulge. Job security and all that.

Otherwise, I've had very good experience with my customers. Probably helps that I've been in customer service pretty much since I entered the workforce, but it's simply amazing how receptive and open people are when it really shows that you take pride in your work and are genuinely happy with what you're doing. It's also amazing how lucrative a good attitude can be. ;D
I must have been pretty fortunate with my installer experiences- the first one for the HD upgrade went fine. A Sunday afternoon- on time and very professional. The second was last week when I had to have an installer come out and fix a problem related to the roofer moving the dish. A Saturday 8-12 appointment. Installer called twice during that time to let me know of his progress. Arrived at 12:01. Reaimed the dish(s)- both 110/119 and the 129- plus fixed a problem related to the 119 Transponder 16- and said to contact his contractor's office directly if there were any issues within 90 days rather than call Dish as the work was guaranteed by his company. He left at 1300 with 6 more jobs to go and he lives 50 miles away. Long day for him but I was left a satisfied customer...
Most costumer's think we ony have one job per day, not caring that we have over 85 points a day to do = 4 jobs. Plus we have to fix old jobs due to crappy contractors.

Oh I care. But I feel pretty safe in saying that it shouldn't be typical for a business to take your money, then cancel your install 3 times and not even bother to call you once. Maybe you should tell Dish that they shouldn't give out such specific times, and instead, give out time frames a week at a time for an install.

Do I need to repoint my dish farm??

Square pic 622 question

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