Dish multiswitch

Only if you have more than two receivers.
that depends on how many recevers your hooking up. if you have more than two recievers then you would need to use 3 dp dual if you have a dual tuner then you can just use a dpp twin with a dual for the 129 sat. with the dpp twin you can hook up two two reciever to it single and or dual tuners or one dp reciever and one legacy with no dp adaptor needed
I would want to hook up two dual recevers if possible. I'm no pro at this so if cali_installer could run that by again because I'm not quite understanding everything. I would really apprciate it.
To hook up 2 Dual-Tuner Receivers. You will need a Dish Pro Plus Twin and Dish Pro Dual hooked up to the DISH 1000. You wire the Dish Pro Dual (129w) to the 'In' port of the Dish Pro Plus Twin (119w/110w). Then with 'Port 1' and 'Port 2' of the Dish Pro Plus Twin, you run cable from that to the Dish Pro Plus Seperators which connects to your Dual-Tuner receivers. Got it?

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