Upcoming Dish Network NHL Schedule

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
A lot of yu have been requesting the NHL Schedule since it is not losted on the Dish Network website.

I have obtained this list from Dish Network which should hold you over until they update their website.

My thanks to Dish Network for making this list available to our members!

Note - The Announced By column indicates which team's city the announcers are broadcasting from.


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pdxsam said:
I still wish they would do baseball like they do hockey, having both teams broadcasts when available.

Don't they do that? At least the games I've seen so far has had the option of either the Detroit feed or the "OTHER" feed
JohnH said:
Schedule has been up since the season began:

It was up about 5 seconds before it began. I emailed them the day before because it WAS NOT up. I also stated in my email the fact I had to email them at LEAST 3 times last year because the schedule was not up to date. Whoever job it is to do this , should be fired because they can never just do it. Makes E* look like a half a$$ company...:confused:
Welp, last day for this schedule is today. Bets on whether or not we get a new schedule before tomorrow? I am going 2-1 against.
sonnyboy11 said:
Welp, last day for this schedule is today. Bets on whether or not we get a new schedule before tomorrow? I am going 2-1 against.

Good Guess. I wonder how hard it really is to get this schedule together and posted. They must have a newbie handling it.
Well, I like to think the delay is due to the fact that they expect to have the HD RSN's live any day, and want the schedule to reflect them.
RedWings said:
My guess is no matter who the provider is, the games that will be showing on the NHL package are the same. So you can go over and look at DirecTv's schedule if you are curious if the game you wanna see is going to be on....you just won't know what channel until its in the guide.


Gotta do...what we gotta do.

True, and not true. It's true they all show each game, but alot of times E* shows feeds for both teams, so you can pick to listen and watch the play by play from home team channel or away team channel.
I know I can search the channel's via another site, my point is I shouldn't have too. It just makes E* look like a half a$$ company.... thats all I'm sayin.
JohnH said:
Schedule is up through the 18th.

Looks like CBC HD on Saturday.

I don't see anything to suggest that. I'm not sure what the asterisks mean, but only the CGY/TOR game is in hd anywhere. And CAR/PIT is on 9467 in my EPG that night.
My epg said the same. Now if we can only get them to leave the feed on long enough to see the babe from SportsCentre!
Nevermind, I had a brain fart and thought the feed was from TSN. Is there any corporate affiliation or did TSN just ripoff ESPN?

Oddly enough, none of Center Ice games on Dish are even part of NHL CENTER ICE HD (pdf)
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