Dish Network 1522b Error Code


New Member
Original poster
Apr 1, 2024
Marion, Iowa
Getting chronic intermittent error code 1522b. 'Outdoor unit is currently updating. Live TV will return soon.'
This usually only lasts a few seconds. Sometimes it is followed by the complete signal loss message, sometimes not. It seems to happen more frequently in the evening, but that may be because that's when we use the TV most. It may happen every 5 to 10 minutes for hours. It not only disrupts what you're watching live, it disrupts anything being recorded to the DVR. The impact on the recorded shows may make playback difficult or impossible. Shows suddenly skip to the end or cannot be resumed if paused.

Dish support has been no help. I have contacted support several times when the problem is occurring and gotten the ' We're too busy to help you now call back later' Click. When I have gotten ahold of them they say they can't help me unless the problem is occurring while I am on the phone with them. Not very helpful for a chronic intermittent.

Something mysterious. When I've had DISH support on the phone and mentioned 1522b, they act sort of startled and their manner changes. Like less helpful and eager to get rid of me ASAP. Like they know something they're not telling me.

A couple more days of this and I may be forced to let DISH go after 20 years of being a DISH customer.
What receiver do you have? If it's a hopper duo and on a hybrid lnb it might be resolved by changing to a dish pro plus lnb. If it's a hopper 2 or 3 then can attempt to change lnb, but in my experience once it starts happening frequently like you are seeing, the receiver needs to be replaced.
I'd call back and tell them you want a tech visit and you've already done troubleshooting and they can send a tech for free or cancel your account. Not saying to actually cancel but when you tell them that they tend to start doing things lol.
I have 3 Wallys and 2 of them have had the 1522b error code since they were installed. The local company that does Dish's repairs, state that DISH is working on the issue but I haven't seen any attempts for firmware/software updates. It's VERY annoying to be watching a show and get that error which normally also freezes the screen & sound for about a minute or so. Come on DISH... get this fixed!!!
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I have 3 Wallys and 2 of them have had the 1522b error code since they were installed. The local company that does Dish's repairs, state that DISH is working on the issue but I haven't seen any attempts for firmware/software updates. It's VERY annoying to be watching a show and get that error which normally also freezes the screen & sound for about a minute or so. Come on DISH... get this fixed!!!


  • Cause
    • Signal loss
  • Recommended Resolution
    • Swap the LNB
    • Examine coax cable, connectors and components for proper installation and approved parts
It has nothing to do with software
I had a customer with this issue. He had a 1000.2 dish, a ground block, wally. I replaced the lnb - same problem. I ran a line directly from the new lnb to the wally - same problem. Replaced the wally - same problem. Nothing left to replace, so he got an upgrade to a hopper sling. Problem resolved. Just a ghost in the machine.
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Here is a data point that I just discovered about this issue. I am seeing this 1522b error code while using my Wally receiver. My antenna is a Winegard trav'ler pro antenna EA.2 (on the eastern arc) sats 61.5 and 72. When I switched out my antenna to a Winegard Pathway X2, I watched for over 20 minutes without the issue.
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