Dish Network Changes Programming Package names

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
It's official, Dish Network is changing the names of its packages and also appears to be rasing its prices.

Americas Top 50 will be renamed Americas Top 60
Americas Top 100 will be renamed Americas Top 120
Americas Top 150 will be renamed Americas Top 180

From the press release, it seems like the price increase is just for the DHA customers (to cover hardware costs, perhaps). Has it been stated that the prices are going up for all customers?
What is DHA (Digital Home Advantage)? I have been with Dish 5 years, am paying $99 for the new 811 with 1 year committment (if it ever arrives). Have a 310 and 501, swapping the 301 for the 811.

I think I am paying $5/mo for DH plan. Can I cancel that?
I have the Top 100 (120) + locals. $49.95.... seems like I'm paying too much from what I've read. Still beats cable!
AEP is going to $77.99
AEP+Locals is going to $82.99.
[speculation mode]
You will begin to see the transformation of the package names here over the next year. Eventually it will be something like:

AT60 $29.99
if locals are not available in your area $24.99.

AT60 (and other packages )will still be available without locals. However the marketing will change to say that locals are included in the AT package for free and quote the AT+locals package price. This will be done to eliminate the cable companies' anti-satellite commercials saying that cable includes local channels for free while satellite charges extra.

This is going to be a great move in marketing.
[/speculation mode]
TNGTony said:
AEP is going to $77.99
AEP+Locals is going to $82.99.
[speculation mode]
You will begin to see the transformation of the package names here over the next year. Eventually it will be something like:

AT60 $29.99
if locals are not available in your area $24.99.

AT60 (and other packages )will still be available without locals. However the marketing will change to say that locals are included in the AT package for free and quote the AT+locals package price. This will be done to eliminate the cable companies' anti-satellite commercials saying that cable includes local channels for free while satellite charges extra.

This is going to be a great move in marketing.
[/speculation mode]

What if locals aren't available in your "area"?? Or, what if you simply don't want them because you get OTA ATSC broadcast locals.

I called them and asked if I could drop the AT50 plan a while back. They said I can, but I don't get discounted by the whole $24.99, I think it was only $10, or $15 less. I don't watch any of it because it is compressed too much and looks pretty bad on my 16x9 direct view tv.
So, while everyone else at CES is announcing all sorts of new fancy equipment and more HD, E* is only announcing price increases for existing customers (and DHA). Makes me feel reeeeal good, :(
TNGTony said:
[speculation mode]
You will begin to see the transformation of the package names here over the next year. Eventually it will be something like:

AT60 $29.99
if locals are not available in your area $24.99.

jsanders said:
What if locals aren't available in your "area"?? Or, what if you simply don't want them because you get OTA ATSC broadcast locals.

Did you even read the post you responded to?

I called them and asked if I could drop the AT50 plan a while back. They said I can, but I don't get discounted by the whole $24.99, I think it was only $10, or $15 less. I don't watch any of it because it is compressed too much and looks pretty bad on my 16x9 direct view tv.

If you do not subscribe to a basic package (AT60, 120, 180, AEP or any of the Dish Latinos) then there is a $5 program access fee.

So locals by themselves on your account (with one receiver) are:
$5.99 Locals package a la carte
$5.00 Program access Fee

$10.99 total.

And you are not eligible for any discounted hardware offers with this level of programming.

The program access fee also gives you access to PPV and a a couple of shopping channels. Nasa TV is also available with an active receiver.

See ya
So basically another thought I had was right, they are going to make everyone take the locals if it is available in their area. Another way for Dish to make extra money along with the price increase. Some will see a $5-$7 increase in their bills then if this would happen to AT120 and AT180 as well.
Stargazer said:
So basically another thought I had was right, they are going to make everyone take the locals if it is available in their area. Another way for Dish to make extra money along with the price increase. Some will see a $5-$7 increase in their bills then if this would happen to AT120 and AT180 as well.
Being in a future (uplinked but not sold yet) SuperDish market they would have to force me to get a SuperDish before they forced me to buy locals. They would also have to replace my DP34 with a DP+44 so I could keep my 61.5 dish active. They also would probably want to drop in a pole mount, since the Dish500's are mounted on the side of my house (just above the foundation in the beam that runs around the house).

There would be an expense to forcing me to buy locals. :D

They would probably want to take my purchased Dish500 and LNB with them. I'm not ready to let that happen, especially if I'm *forced* to buy locals.

Forcing people to buy locals is a BAD idea. Advertising the w/locals price is a good idea, but forcing it is BAD. Not that bad ideas haven't been acted out by E* ...

Do you people actually read the posts before you respond to them?

I'll quote yet another portion of my original post:
AT60 (and other packages )will still be available without locals. However the marketing will change to say that locals are included in the AT package for free and quote the AT+locals package price.

Notice the wording.

Hang on...let me make it clearer:
AT60 (and other packages )will still be available without locals
Sorry to get testy, but egads people!
The key word here is MARKETING.

Instead of saying:
AT60 is $24.99
If you want locals it's $5 more.

They would be saying:
AT60 is $29.99
If you can't get locals or don't want them then there will be a discount!

The oldest marketing ploy in the book. Sell up by selling down. When selling something to some one, if you start with a low-ball price and try to work your way up, there is resistance and claimes of nickel and diming. If you start with the higher price and work your way down, people will generally want one of the top options because they don't want the "cheap junk".

See ya
TNGTony said:
Do you people actually read the posts before you respond to them?
What is this new concept "reading"? :D
TNGTony (with my emphasis added) said:
AT60 is $29.99
If you can't get locals or don't want them then there will be a discount!
At the moment that remains true. Marketing will convince a lot of people to sign up for locals that may not have thought about it.

And, as you noted, it will also protect E* from the ire of customers who see ads for $24.99 and find out later that they have to pay more for locals. It's better to get that $29.99 price in the mind up front.

Locals need to remain optional.

Hopefully marketing won't take the route that Comcast took in my town last year - never advertising or mentioning lower priced options. Their $14 for 20 channels (mostly shopping and locals, comprable to E*'s $10.99 locals only cost except Comcast has low power locals) was off the chart and the lowest advertised price was $39.49 (now $41.99, all analog).

Wow, the news I need to get caught up on! I read the "Press Release" and if it stands as it is stated in there i don't see much differance.

to me, one key part is;

"The new Digital Home Advantage plan, available Feb. 1 to new customers, will make the lowest-priced, all-digital package available with free equipment, free installation and free local channels where available for $29.99 per month, for up to two TVs."

The FREE EQUIPMENT" part. So, does this mean I can get a FREE 811????

I doubt it, but what is the Free hardware? Anyone know?

So lets try and explain my view.

Before Feb 1st;

top 100 was 33.99
locals were 5.99
Warranty cost 1.99

that totals $41.97

So at 39.99 one could save $1.98 as DISH owns the free IRD that your using, why have a warranty on it!

Of course, most here might not have that basic "free" unit, but a lot of people might.

Of course now, anybody know when Duluth, Mn locals are going to be started :)

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