Dish Network Gift Certificates

John Corn

The Coach / Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 6, 2003
North Canton, Ohio.
I had intentions of getting some for my boys, they just love to order PPV movies. They only come in $25.00 increments.

I wanted to get them in $3.99 increments as stocking stuffers.
I recommend making your own coupons with "One free movie rental". You can then go ahead and stuff their stockings with them and when the bill comes, you'll just pay for them. You can create some pretty nice ones pretty quick in photoshop or something similar. If you're not handy with photoshop i'm sure someone here would be glad to help you or you can easily find printable coupons on the internet for many different things. They're great gifts.

Canceled the 811... waiting for 921

not a newbie but maybe a dumb ?

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