Canceled the 811... waiting for 921


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 20, 2003
Well... today I got THE call! They let me know that there are no 811's in stock and they don't know WHEN they will have them in. (I'm in No. Cal.) That's too much for me. They charged my credit card and didn't deliver the product. Now they want to keep me on the hook for maybe a month (of more) while they try to catch up. Meanwhile, with the commitment to a year for the HDPak, I had the suspicion that my bill would have included the $9.99 for the HD service. That would have sent me through the roof! It goes without saying that Dish Network has atrocious customer support. But with all the stories being relayed to us by unhappy users, this borders on the insane/ciminal. What company charges a person's credit card for merchandise they KNOW they do not have? If it weren't for TVJapan, I would never have considered E*. I really don't want to deal with them anymore.
So.... Scott? How can I get the 921 from you ASAP? :D
My Neighbor also canceled his 811 today after getting the same run around 3 times in a row.

I talked him into a 921. Can we buy them from the site sponsor yet?
I have been thinking the same thing.

I was told no 811 till after Xmas. So how long till the 921s start to ship?

I am also still a "new" customer I guess since my install has been delayed I would sure rather use whatever new customer deal to get a 921 (if there is one) than to get the 811. Hopefully the CSRs at E* will beable to sell the 921s soon.
I had no problem getting 811 in Milwaukee. I called last week and the guy came monday and installed it. And Today Dish has added Milwaukee's Locals. So call me a happy dish user.

Leaving E* today ... prorate fees?

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