dish network would like ideas on how to improve their product through the internet.

????? I believe that already exists. This forum, and through the CSR's that are here.
drop the high fees (really $17 for 1 box)
stop dropping channels
get more locals(distants do not count as locals)
stop nickle and dimeing your customers every chance you get
I agree make it possible for subscribers to get locals from wherever they choose. Even allow unlimited markets for subscribers. It would be fun to look at out of market stations.
That would never happen because some of the stations would get angry because they would be losing viewers, and therefore, revenue.
Great ideas and all but none of them apply to the internet. Dish already has,, facebook and twitter accounts. They also have "dirt". These are all examples of what im looking for.
"improve their product through the internet" that's a specific question, it implies marketing, remote access and information. Remote Access is greatly improved since last years inception. There's always room for improvement, Explorer does not seem to work yet, Safari in the Windows format at last look did not work. There are stability issues (freezes, lags, etc). I observed an interesting issue early on with Remote Access, when first installed I believe I was getting true HD though remote access, now I believe I receive something less than full HD....anyone else noticed this ?
I believe remote access is the future of media, being able to access/watch programing from LA when the reciever lives in NY is pretty good stuff, and I am sure it just going to get better.
Oh yea..and charge less.....right....
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????? I believe that already exists. This forum, and through the CSR's that are here.
First ... if this were the case ... Dish would already know they suck. And not because of their Satellite side of the business, but because you have better than a 50/50 chance of coming away from a chat or phone call with them, being more pissed than when you went INTO the conversation. The easy stuff they get done doesn't count ... except to say, if I had to disconnect the battery, to reset my car radio every time I go driving, to make sure I'd be able to USE my car radio.. I'd have tossed the radio out a long time ago ... it is only the fact that there isn't a better cheaper alternative out there, that we users put up with dish's crap on a regular basis. (that in regards to the "Three Finger Salute" or "reboot" required to fix soo many simple things that shouldn't be happening in the first place with their hardware)

SECOND in this ... is why do I have to go through a Dish IRT person who technically works for dish, when Dish has their own "chat" system.

Its because their CHAT system DOESNT WORK for those of us that know more about what's going on, or have specific issues ABOVE that first level tech person who's only response is "I didn't know" or a lie "you have to have a sling adapter to use dish remote access" or takes forever to understand and hand you up the line (communication below).

Charlie & Dish don't show any signs they are learning from having people of their company tied to outside mediums. ie.. the twitters, and everything else.. else.. when people have bitched, they get immediate results if not immediate attention from outside mediums, that they can't get from dish's INSIDE offereings.. (again comparison of D.IRT here, and Twit, when compared to their own CHAT features) Any time it comes to something more technical.. D.IRT is faster at working and resolving the issue, with less hassle and frustration than going through three or four people on the CHAT lines.

Now to this:
Please provide comments, ideas, and feedback on the topic.
First, effort. It seems that with your disjointed efforts, you do not properly segregate support into the right areas. Someone having a problem that is absolutely 100 percent undeniably, a problem with DISH/SLING has to go first to a front line tech that has NO CLUE how to work with one, and then suddenly when they realize the problem is Sling based, have to hand off to someone else... its a waste of the first 5 to 10 minutes of my chat .... ie.. have I tried unplugging the power to my Dish 722k ... so that the channel listing in DRA's GRID page comes back? the FIRST THREE TIMES I chatted dish about problems with Dish Remote Access .. that's where I went.. I even got to the point of asking them "Did you even read what I typed? I said DISH REMOTE ACCESS WEB PAGES"

Second ... Communication ... Dish Sucks. You have NO ARGUEMENT against that.. I've submitted feedback after feedback about common problems that I saw from DAY ONE with my use of Dish Remote Access ... something that should be a very simple fix ... and here it is 4 months later ... and one update to DRA and STILL not one of my reported issues has been addressed.

ADD TO THIS, that Dish's SOLE response to any feedback **IF** they respond at all, is the canned "thank you for your feedback"

Dish needs to post PUBLICALLY and needs to get a BugTrack site setup so that users will be able to report things, get additional information into dish, if and when dish starts working on issues, and so that customers can VOTE on problems dish is having (regardless of medium - Sat , DRA, VoD, DishOnline) to escalate their importance for resolution

THIRD, consolidation ... also partly linked with Communication.. NO WHERE did it show on Dish to post to SatGuys or DishSupport for assistance, the DishNetwork website ONLY seems concerned with basic information, and with selling dish to people. Even in that, with the fragmented support efforts, their information offering is no less fragmented..
examples.. when on DRA ... you get the "GRID" to display channels.. ok.. so fine ... the GRID display is linked to your user account ... so it only shows PPV and Channels you currently have in your packages..

What does dish use to show TV Listings from the DishNetwork Web site? ZAP2It .. looks different, acts differently (albeit even slower than DRA's GRID) and again its like the rest of Dish .. "dish-jointed" ... I can't "Jump to Channel" with Zap2It because their channel numbers are different and some of the stations are omitted (Wheres 157 OVATION)

Why can't dish make an APP for the new VIP receivers that allows to come through the receiver? (this also would be something to include under VOD below)

LASTLY, OnDemand, god where to even start ... The attempt to deliver content that isn't compressed well enough to stream in 4 megs of bandwidth or less ... Their WebPlayer which again, dish can't support properly yet, and on-demand to the DVR which takes minutes, hours, never starts, or is so outrageiously priced.. again.. precludes its use. Not when I can use HULU to my laptop, plug an HDMI Cable from the laptop to my TV and have a MILLION times better experience than with Dish ...

Dish should really be listening to feedback, should be in communication with their customers when they don't understand a customer's feedback, and should be seeing how others do the same thing dish wants, so that dish can do better.

Anything less, and dish is only proving their desire to get more customers, without fulfilling the basic expectations they suggest should be available in their advertising.
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- Allow me to save my password
- Use the same login for the sling site and the dish site (one is my email address, the other is my username)
- Allow the creation of additional logins for the sling site so other family members can stream without using the primary account
- Give me access to all the details of my billing history, not just monthly totals
- Make Sling compatible with Google Chrome
- Allow me to schedule recordings online ahead of time on channels I don't subscribe to (i.e., for free previews)
- Give me at least one custom channel list on the grid on the sling site (like TitanTV does). This could probably be worked into the existing filter functionality
- Allow me to see channels I don't subscribe to on the grid
- Add an interactive time line to the streaming video control (i.e., drag to start playback at a specific time)
A way to link several receivers together to make a Super Receiver so that you can share the tuners and recordings on all TV's connected to it. This was mentioned many years ago by dish, I forget what they called it .

On the Sling site, more refined filters would be nice. Instead of just "Movies", Comedies, Dramas etc

Would be nice if the receivers had an IR output so you could control equipment from a distant TV such as DVD player.

Any way to send recordings to an iPad (I know I'm dreaming), Android Tablet, PMP or cell phone would be nice. I don't mean streaming btw. I recently took a trip and wanted to take some of my recordings to watch on the plane so I hooked up my Archos to my 722 only to find that it won't work with MPEG4 so it's now a paper weight.
Re-align the "local sports channel" to match the interest of viewers in a particular area. Here, western Kentucky, Fox Sports Cincinnati is our "local" channel. The great majority of people in this area have ZERO interest in Cincinnati or Ohio sports. Yet that's what we get and the games we want, St. Louis Cardinals etc. are blocked to us. Dish should definitely be more sensitive to the interests of the customer.

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