Dish Network zip code move


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 4, 2004
Dish Network zip code move After failing to locate a Dish Installer via the other forum. I called a company I used several years ago to move my dishes and set it up. I had and still have 2, 500 dishes conected to 3 recievers. I only moved 10 miles away, but it changes my programming according to Dish. I was getting all the Orlando channels and news. Now, they wanted to give me Tampa news and locals. I did not want that. I would have lost UPN 65 which shows all the Orlando Magic games, Tampa's coverage is a little hit and miss. So, the installer set it up, he has had to use several diplexers as this is a 2 story home and we cant run more cable where we needed them. I was in a single story before with 3 cables coming out of my wall socket. 2 Sat, I cable. So now it's all on one cable, plus according to the zip codes in set up, Im 1 degree out on the angle.. Is this what is causing the difference in picture quality? I now have to have it on HD all the time also, I did not before? The color red is especially bad on close ups. It's running through a Pioneer PDP5030 plasma. Do I still ned 2 Dishes? Would I benifit from a Super Dish? I was thinking of buying one on ebay. Do bigger dishes mean better pic quality? Any advice gratefully recieved.
Floridaphil said:
Dish Network zip code move I had and still have 2, 500 dishes conected to 3 recievers...
Wow, two thousand five hundred dishes!!! I didn't know you could hook up that many dishes at once!:yikes :haha
Floridaphil said:
Dish Network zip code move After failing to locate a Dish Installer via the other forum. I called a company I used several years ago to move my dishes and set it up. I had and still have 2, 500 dishes conected to 3 recievers. I only moved 10 miles away, but it changes my programming according to Dish. I was getting all the Orlando channels and news. Now, they wanted to give me Tampa news and locals. I did not want that. I would have lost UPN 65 which shows all the Orlando Magic games, Tampa's coverage is a little hit and miss. So, the installer set it up, he has had to use several diplexers as this is a 2 story home and we cant run more cable where we needed them. I was in a single story before with 3 cables coming out of my wall socket. 2 Sat, I cable. So now it's all on one cable, plus according to the zip codes in set up, Im 1 degree out on the angle.. Is this what is causing the difference in picture quality? I now have to have it on HD all the time also, I did not before? The color red is especially bad on close ups. It's running through a Pioneer PDP5030 plasma. Do I still ned 2 Dishes? Would I benifit from a Super Dish? I was thinking of buying one on ebay. Do bigger dishes mean better pic quality? Any advice gratefully recieved.
SuperDish is NOT better PQ
(it is installed only for certain locals and internationals NOT better just other channels)
the angle doesn't mean anything IF you signal level is ok.(locked & not low)

If your PQ was better before, with the same tv and Dish network.

I would suspect that diplexers are causing your trouble.
Your diplexors and dish have nothing to do with Picture Quality. If there was an issue with them, you'd either get tons of pixels and breakups or no signal at all. If you're talking about color bleeds and fades, it won't get any better with a different dish or diplexor.
Thanks guys. I had a local company come in this morning and go through the whole system. They got rid of arrox 25% of the wiring and I now have a much better picture on Cable and Dish. I watched my first Bball game on NBA HD today, incredible. Cant wait for the Magic game in HD in a few days.


Floridaphil said:
Thanks guys. I had a local company come in this morning and go through the whole system. They got rid of arrox 25% of the wiring and I now have a much better picture on Cable and Dish. I watched my first Bball game on NBA HD today, incredible. Cant wait for the Magic game in HD in a few days.


Told Ya i'd get you to the experts..

Dang Snow!!

WOW Club dish credit on my bill

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