Dish Now: Obtaining New Smartcard

Interesting enough when you insert the new card do you have the most current rev?

241 H02

Could be a reason it wont take the hit.
Incorrect !

Interesting enough when you insert the new card do you have the most current rev?

241 H02

Could be a reason it wont take the hit.
Doesn't matter of version a card !

All card going thru 'hit' i.e. authorization process; that means the particular card will have your receiver's secret data include the R00xxxx number [sort of 'marriage'] and data about your subbed packages/channels.
The final update--success at last!

I received my second G3 card. Actually, it was obvious that it wasn't new. There were scratches all over it and you could see definite contact slide marks on the bottom side. But I figure if it came out of a good unit, it might work in mine.

I inserted the card and the usual message #129 came up. I used option 3 on the automated system. I went straight through the procedures without a problem and the computer finally said that the card was activated. The #129 was still there so I waited 30 minutes. No change. I tried the power button reboot and the unplug reboot. No change.

I then called a CSR using the 0 option on the automated system. An agent who knew his Dish Now stuff came on and we verified my receiver and smartcard numbers. They were tied together so the automated system did work as far as assigning the new smartcard number to my receiver number. About 10 seconds later, I saw the "Congratulation...." message and then it went to program guide with the "Downloading info..." message.

I asked the agent what he did and he replied that he just re-authorized the receiver. I thanked him and hung up. I waited a few minutes and it seemed like the screen had froze, still with the "Downloading info..." message but no movement on the progress bar. I waited 30 more minutes but no change. I then did the unplug reboot and the NASA channel popped right up.

Everything looked normal so I ordered one day of programming to see if it would take. The automated programming ordering went normally and was on my TV in a couple of minutes. I ordered some additional programming and it appears everything is working as advertised.

So maybe it was a bad new card and the second used card worked. The interesting thing I noted was the last CSR said he "re-authorized" the receiver, while other CSRs I spoke to said "activate". I know the "programming hits" are sent to tell what programmming you're allowed to watch. Could it be, in the world of Dish Now, "activation hits" concern matching the smartcard to the receiver and "authorization hits" actually allow the receiver to start decrypting any programming? Could they actually be different things and this is what is confusing both us and the CSRs? Just a thought.

Well, I'm up and running thanks to you folks and some smart CSRs. Best of luck to all you out there.

I had the same problem (Attention 129) with my Dish Now receiver and got the new Smart Card to work after multiple tries. I tried automated activation and called customer service 4 times in about 24 hours. Each time the customer service representative was quickly telling me they would send back the signal to the box and that it would work within 15-20 minutes. Each time nothing happened and I was stucked with the Attention 129 message.

How I made it work .....

I think the reason it was not working was that my box was not up to date. Once I got the box to update, the new card was authorized the first time the signal was sent. So I think once you update your box to the latest software version, activation should work.

To make it work, I first reinstalled my old Smart Card into my receiver in order to be able to access the menus. I went into the setting menus and loaded some pages, I verified that auto-updates where active and loaded the system info page and played with switch tests, etc. While doing that after a switch test (I think) my receiver froze (as it also happened to someone how posted in this thread I think).

When the receiver froze I had to disconnect it (I had tried disconnecting the receptor before but it never triggered the update) when I reconnected the receiver it did not power on but this time started showing a message saying it was downloading an update. It only updated after it froze ... before that it never went into the update mode.

Once the update was completed the receiver (with the old Smart Card in) it showed me a new error message saying my Smartcard was not supported anymore and that I needed the new G3 Smartcard. I thought the problem was solved and that I only had to switch to the new G3 card now. I swapped the Smartcards, receiver accepted it but quickly reverted to the Attention 129 message.

This time, I called customer service, got the customer representative to send the signal once again ....... and this time it worked instantly while I was talking with the rep on the phone I saw the congratulation message, etc. Channels where not working though (black screen), the customer rep. suggested to unplug the receiver for 30 seconds. Did it. It solved the black screen problem and everything it now working perfectly.
Upgraded my smartcard today. I had the same issue, after going through the automated system it got stuck on Error 129.

After waiting 30 min I called back in and talked to a rep who knew her stuff (guess i got lucky). She said she would look into the system and made sure that it didn't error out at some place. Then she said she would send a re-authorization signal and to stay on the line with her until the congratulations screen came up (within 2 min). It popped up about 10 secs after she sent the signal.

I did get the black picture problem too but a quick unplug/re-plug solved it. That's probably the most impressive service i've recieved from Dish, time from call to problem solved within 1 min 30 secs. :up Even more impressive that this is from Prepaid Customer Care. I haven't even been as satisfied as this with regular Monthly customer care. :rolleyes:

722 in endless reboot cycle. Please help!!

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