Dish Raised there HDPPV rates?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
Did I miss a price increase?

I went to the Direct TV web site. All HDTV PPV is $4.99

On Dishnetwork it is $5.99

is there a difference in older movies or something?

Why so much more?
Too bad I can't give Dish an extra $5.99 every now and then since they pulled it from 61.5 and haven't replaced it.
Why pay $5.99 for one showing of a movie (unless you PVR or videotape it)?

I can pay for $15.99 for most new realeases at Best Buy and get all of the extras and endless repeat viewings whenever I feel the need. I can see it for certain concert and sporting events, but that's it for me.
Or get it from Columbia House @ ~$7 per movie ( )...
FlyingGimp said:
Or get it from Columbia House @ ~$7 per movie ( )...

Exactly what I was going to type before I saw your post.

They may not be HD but you can watch what you want to including TV shows and many, many classics.

Hartford Locals at 119.

Can I get a credit

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