Dishnetwork MANDADTES Incompetance

A lot of people, including myself, do not answer calls that are blocked out.

It seems like at times when Dish Network tries to do something to their advantage it comes back to bite them. I hope this one does. They look at the WRONG WAY to resolve issues.

I have told those that I have done installs and service calls for to call me if they had any issue at all that I was a lot easier to deal with than the CSR's on the phone. I have had people call me after trying to call Dish Network because they could not get them to fix their issue because they did not know what they were doing and did not have the experience. All they do is read something off the computer screen when I have dealt with the product for years and years and know what is REALLY going on because of first hand experience. I, and many other technicians out there, have probably saved Dish Network many customers from dropping their service after helping them out with issues that CSR's could not help them with.
Ive come to find that most of the time.. dish could give a rats rear end about the techs and its csrs. Sure they pretend to be nice.. but the ONLY few people ive seen care about customer service is Carol Cline.. whatever her last name. She is one of the main people. The rest.. bleh.. some care.. lower down the chain.. the managers are more concerned in hurrying up getting trough the calls fast and screwing agents over.

ive had stories where techs tell me they get treated like slaves..

dish really needs to resolve these issues if they intend to beat direct.

Also dish needs to get rid of the call center in the phillipines..and NO its not in india.. why do you all attack india? LOL they have call centers in thorton, pinebrook(idiots), phillipines(even more of idiots) and who knows where more.

Maybe charlie should listen to the calls at random and see what we mean.
to dishcomm: I am 100% a subcontractor who does DNSC fulfillment.

Looking at the email again, it is probably a smaller region than I thought. I figured it was state-wide... I'll probably get friggin fired for posting this here... But what the heck.

West Allis.... This is news to me. Hmmm.

but the ONLY few people ive seen care about customer service is Carol Cline.. whatever her last name. She is one of the main people.

dish really needs to resolve these issues if they intend to beat direct.

1. Her name is Carol Kline. She's an EVP and signs CSR checks. You should probably get to know her name...

2. If you're going to start that argument, include some supporting evidence and something more than a blanket statement next time. It's impossible (and aggrivating) to try to respond to specific issues when people toss out gross generalities.
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Well, as much as a subcontractor can be fired. I'll never do DNSC fulfillment again. It's probably more due to my mistake in posting the phone numbers for a few hours... I corrected that as soon as I saw it. I never meant to make this personal. Also, I'd ask Zero327 to remove any names from his post. But who knows. Maybe they'd still be upset even without the phone numbers on there.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's an insane policy and I'll stand by that statement. I'm not looking for my job back. I've been trying to get out of this industry for a long time. I just thought I'd be able to leave a little more gracefully. :D

And hey, if they eventually reverse the policy for our area as a result of this -even if I never work for Dishnetwork again- it will be a win for Dishnetwork, a win for the customer, and a win for me! So let this be a warning: too much passion for you job (without adequate reservation) and you could end up loosing your job! :p
How did they know your RSP and how can they make your RSP fire you?

They can threaten to cut the entire contract from the Retailer unless they get rid of that one tech. Me. And as far as how they know which Retailer it is... I'm not 100% sure. Probably just because I've been posting for so long, and I didn't exactly hide who I am or who I work for.

I don't hide things (or force others to hide things) unless there's something I'm ashamed of. If there's something I'm ashamed of, I shouldn't hide it but change it. Therefore I shouldn't hide much of anything at all about myself and so I don't.
it appears zero327 had something to do with calling your GM, hes the only one who knows whos 'sandbox' it is! And yes, it was kinda stupid to post someones cell number on a public site!! (Dont get any more ideas like that ;) )
it appears zero327 had something to do with calling your GM, hes the only one who knows whos 'sandbox' it is! And yes, it was kinda stupid to post someones cell number on a public site!! (Dont get any more ideas like that ;) )

Could be. But just because he knows a first name doesn't mean he's the only one who called. I'll PM him to see if he'll take those names off his post... I was accused of posting names as well, but I never did do that...
Lets get this straight, and please allow room for error. You posted an email from your GM stating no more stickers. You included his cell number. Someone from this site saw that cell number and what.... called him?? And then somehow your GM found out that it was you who posted on this site?? It doesnt all quite add up, how would he know it was you? Have you posted your name on here before and your DNSC Sub name?? Unless you have your name included in your profile theres no way to know who you are are where your from unless you have direct access.

Maybe your GM is a supporter of this web site and has a system in place where when his name is posted on here he is alerted... or someone knows him..
News travels fast, you only posted it yesterday.

Someone else posed those same inquiries to me... It doesn't concern me that much, because I wasn't terribly interested in staying anonymous. But since the question has come up, I'll answer it:

"Someone from this site saw that cell number and ... called him???"
Answer: Yes. That is what my retailer said.

"...somehow your GM found that it was you who posted on this site??"
Short Answer: Yes.

" did he know it was you?"
Long Answer: I don't know exactly. I use 'ZandarKoad' for pretty much every single online account I have... So they could have made the connection from some other account. My Satellite guys profile doesn't have that information, but I am fairly certain that somewhere in my 350+ posts I've given out some rather specific details on myself. Someone might have gone through all my posts and done the research to find out who I am and who I work for. OR, someone kept tabs on every user and recorded such information when it was provided. Also, my signature has a Myspace link which contains some specific information...

I could ask my Retailer "how did they know it was me?" but that would give the impression that I was attempting to hide something. Also I don't care to give my Retailer any more headaches. ;) My Retailer probably doesn't even know or care either how they found out it was me.

Does anyone else see the irony here?

A GM fires a tech for giving out the GM's cell number when the tech was upset that the tech was forbidden by the GM from giving out the tech's own cell number.

EDIT: Just for giggles, here's my own personal cell number: 414-526-5837


I dont work for dish anymore, so i could care less. Im just letting everyone know how they treat their csrs, and Carol is a very nice person btw. Never had any complaints about her. She understands csrs. She is very bright. The rest.. BLEH
Maybe your GM is a supporter of this web site and has a system in place where when his name is posted on here he is alerted... or someone knows him..News travels fast, you only posted it yesterday.

This IS the internet...anything that was posted 5 minutes ago and edited by the poster 30 seconds after it was posted can be eternally too late--which can be unfortunate.


Dish on BUD

Really Physically Moving...what to expect?

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