Dishnetwork MANDADTES Incompetance

Alot less stress too. Your only concern will be if the customer wants fries with that. :D

I don't know about that. I don't work at mickey d's and it seems like everytime I go in a fast food joint or movie theater, I get stuck behind the douchebag that got in line WITHOUT knowing what he wanted. Personally, I hang out to the side if I haven't decided. No need to hold up the process for anybody else. When we went to see rambo, some prick ran over to get in front of us at the concession stand. The adults couldn't make up their minds and neither could the crumbsnatchers, so I had to wait for a whole family of pricks! :mad: I wanted to taser everyone of them. :eureka
the reason they may have made this kind of mandate is because of how many customers call and are upset because the techs give out there number but never answer when they call it and it forces the customer to call in to the 800 number to try to get the csr to correct the problem over the phone and if it cannot be corrected over the phone another service order must be placed and now the customer has to wait because the tech that did the install will not answer the phone
Re read my post mr. observant. You'll note that we leave behind our company phone number as well.
We mock what we do not understand.

really i have talked to hundereds of thousands of customer's you still happen to call the 800 number because they could not get any help
I don't know about that. I don't work at mickey d's and it seems like everytime I go in a fast food joint or movie theater, I get stuck behind the douchebag that got in line WITHOUT knowing what he wanted. Personally, I hang out to the side if I haven't decided. No need to hold up the process for anybody else. When we went to see rambo, some prick ran over to get in front of us at the concession stand. The adults couldn't make up their minds and neither could the crumbsnatchers, so I had to wait for a whole family of pricks! :mad: I wanted to taser everyone of them. :eureka

Very true, you cant avoid the dumbassess anywhere you go nowdays.
Well... this is policy although I don't know if it's only confined to Wisconsin (where it's confined too didn't interest me all that much.) But either way, yeah. They're pushing hard for all issues to go direct. I think that came from Chuckers. Interesting though.
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how do you pre-call the cust then? your number will be left on their caller id.

In our area, the Technicians aren't allowed to do pre-calls anymore. We are expected to call our retailer with an E.T.A., who then calls the customer and tells the customer about when we will arrive. Then if the customer cannot make it during that time, the Retailer will then call us back and tell us what will and will not work for the customer. Usually our retailer won't call us back at all, no matter what the customer said. So the technicians arrive with no clue whether or not the customer is home, if it's the right address, where we should park, what entrance we should use, if our time slot is acceptable to the customer... Not to mention it roughly triples the number of phone calls that are needed for each and every pre-call.

Furthermore, we were expected to STAY ON SITE at the customers house and notify our retailing office that the job was complete. The retailing office would then post-call the customer WHILE WE ARE STILL AT THE HOUSE, to see if there is anything else that needs to be done. If there is, then we don't have to drive back out: BECAUSE WE ARE STILL THERE! Isn't that a GREAT idea!?!?!? Because, as you all know, we are incapable of ASKING THE CUSTOMER OURSELVES IF THERE IS ANYTHING ELSE WE CAN DO FOR THEM. We need someone else to do that for us.

We've been declared incompetent, so they are treating us as such.
In our area, the Technicians aren't allowed to do pre-calls anymore. We are expected to call our retailer with an E.T.A., who then calls the customer and tells the customer about when we will arrive. Then if the customer cannot make it during that time, the Retailer will then call us back and tell us what will and will not work for the customer. Usually our retailer won't call us back at all, no matter what the customer said. So the technicians arrive with no clue whether or not the customer is home, if it's the right address, where we should park, what entrance we should use, if our time slot is acceptable to the customer... Not to mention it roughly triples the number of phone calls that are needed for each and every pre-call.

Furthermore, we were expected to STAY ON SITE at the customers house and notify our retailing office that the job was complete. The retailing office would then post-call the customer WHILE WE ARE STILL AT THE HOUSE, to see if there is anything else that needs to be done. If there is, then we don't have to drive back out: BECAUSE WE ARE STILL THERE! Isn't that a GREAT idea!?!?!? Because, as you all know, we are incapable of ASKING THE CUSTOMER OURSELVES IF THERE IS ANYTHING ELSE WE CAN DO FOR THEM. We need someone else to do that for us.

We've been declared incompetent, so they are treating us as such.

Wow. Dont take this as a negative against you but maybe its a good thing you were let go Zander. Sounds like a blessing to me.
I've been doing installs for over three years. I estimate my new installs at somewhere around 2,000. Since day one I've given customers my PERSONAL CELL PHONE NUMBER to ensure that their system is working or it's MY PROBLEM.

If you were a customer would you like to talk to a guy in a cubicle in India who's never physically touched a Dish?

Or would you rather talk to the SAME PERSON who was at your house, did 2000 installs, and speaks English as his first language?

Personally, I would like to have an option. I would like to be able to get ahold of the original tech AND I would like the option of calling the guy in India. Sorry Charlie's customers. No such luck.

Dishnetwork now forbids technicians (in our state at least) from leaving ANY PHONE NUMBERS WHATSOEVER (except the 1-800-333-3474 number) in the customer's house, on the paperwork, in the account notes, or anywhere else. Penalties for violating this policy include WEEKS of suspensions.

I've had customers who've called me AFTER they spent HOURS on the phone with CSRs, and they were ecstatic to finally speak to someone who knew English. Well, thanks to this policy I'll never have to talk to another customer again on the phone (kinda nice actually) and our Trouble Call rating will probably double at least (not so nice).

Lets here it for Customer Dis-Service!!! HIP-HIP-HURRAY!!! :eek:

I confirmed today that this edict is local to your area. It does in not in any way apply to us here in NC
really i have talked to hundereds of thousands of customer's you still happen to call the 800 number because they could not get any help
yeah well that's just life in the big city. Sorry you have so little faith in people anymore that you cannot believe we do things differently.
Not our concern.. These rules do not apply to us. That's confirmed. Talked to the dispatch mgr today about this.. She looked at me like I was from Jupiter.

Nice. It must be an extra hot little place in Dishnetwork hell just for us.
I had run into the occasional customer who had tried to call a number on a sticker that the contractor or retailer left and couldnt get through to them but it wasnt something rampant. Still if dish went so far as to impliment it in the land of cheeseheads then I wonder if it might have something to do with contractors and subs that used to work in minnessota that were dropped by dish back in late 02 early 03 for shotty work and poor performance. What ever the reason it must have been bad enough for them to put it into effect.

Sorry to hear of your firing Zander, I'd look into the phone company for a better job like I am working on now.
Well it sucks you got canned for what happened, but you have to understand that posting a GM's cell number is not only hillarious for the readers, but could be catastrophic for you. I have to admit i had a good chuckle reading it!!
I agree with Dish not allowing you to leave your number behind, and i feel it is not directed at you as a person or your company, but the fact that a lot of techs do NOT answer their phone when a customer calls. This is very frustrating to the subscriber. HOWEVER, i do not agree with the sub scorecard which i presume you are effected by, with TC-30's counting for more than 50% of your weekly work it can really put a dent in your wallet. Keeping your TC's down has become an art, but your still going to get trouble calls from people who just dont listen.
This new rule will more than likely effect other subs in your area, if they follow the new rule, and you should (or would've) seen a change in scores across the board.

But what i want to know, is WHO from this site called a GM whom they dont know, at the early hours of the morning, to discuss the recently posted email???? And how did he know it was you by mid morning?? This still isn't apparent to me, and im curious to see the outcome.
Good luck to you Zanderkoad, from what i have read, you were a good installer!! :)
Nice. It must be an extra hot little place in Dishnetwork hell just for us.

Well guess what......Just got the word from our supervisor that until further notice we are not to leave our company number with DNSC customers.
Tech meeting to follow. So I guess this is a nationwide edict.
This is the stupidest thing since the inception of the DASH system....The hits just keep on coming.

Note..I like the "until further notice" thing. That gives me the impression that we are going to fight this ridiculous policy.
This is illogical.
But in understanding Dish's penchant for keeping staitistics, I would imagine the idea of attempting to eliminate unfair and unjust Trouble Calls is messing with Dish's plan.
The staistics are one thing. But they deck is stacked. Dish holds us to these goals ,yet there is nothing we can do to improve. For example the Trouble call generated when a customer buys a new tv and can't figure out how to get it working, so they call Dish.. Or like the one I had last week(changes ot service change) whehb a customer I just installed, disconnected all tv's to have th house painted. He couldn't get them working ,so he calls Dish. Bull crap....
Well guess what......Just got the word from our supervisor that until further notice we are not to leave our company number with DNSC customers.
Tech meeting to follow. So I guess this is a nationwide edict.
This is the stupidest thing since the inception of the DASH system....The hits just keep on coming.

Note..I like the "until further notice" thing. That gives me the impression that we are going to fight this ridiculous policy.
This is illogical.
But in understanding Dish's penchant for keeping staitistics, I would imagine the idea of attempting to eliminate unfair and unjust Trouble Calls is messing with Dish's plan.
The staistics are one thing. But they deck is stacked. Dish holds us to these goals ,yet there is nothing we can do to improve. For example the Trouble call generated when a customer buys a new tv and can't figure out how to get it working, so they call Dish.. Or like the one I had last week(changes ot service change) whehb a customer I just installed, disconnected all tv's to have th house painted. He couldn't get them working ,so he calls Dish. Bull crap....

Don't worry. I'm sure all those TC/SC chargebacks are still going to operate just fine...
Don't worry. I'm sure all those TC/SC chargebacks are still going to operate just fine...


Oh man dishcomm, sucks to hear that the mental disease is contagious... We should pool our money and develop a vaccine to inoculate these policy makers against this form of insanity.

Let us know what happens at the tech meeting.

Dish on BUD

Really Physically Moving...what to expect?

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