Dishpro, Dishplayer, 811 Questions


New Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003

Right now i have a dish 500 on my roof and use it with my Dishplayer 7100. My HTS 2000 died last month :( I ordered the 811 for 149 and was considering replacing my dishplayer with a 508 or 510 (what's the deal with them anyway?)

Can someone explain any advantage to going with the dishpro? Will it be required in the future? Will it work better with my 811 then the legacy setup I have now?

On a side note, my 811 was going to be installed yesterday, but the installer fell off somebody's roof and broke his leg, wrist, and collarbone! Talk about an excuse, I'll except that as a legitimate reason and wish him a speedy recovery! I was setup for this wed now.
I wouldnt go Dishpro, as it means yo need to swap out all your LNB's and switches.

All the new equipment supports the legacy equipment, so the old rule is if its not broke then why fix it. :)
That's good thinking Scott.

Here's my situation. I have legacy dual lnbs on the 500 and 300 running through sw21's to two receivers. I'll likely be adding a third receiver to my account in the near future. I just replaced a 3000 with a DP301, the 6000 is getting replaced by the 811. The third will likely be another 301. It is far wiser to replace my lnb's and add one DP34 switch than to go with a SW64. The time to future proof is now, by changing over to Dish Pro equipment.

Best way to hook up a 510 and 811 combo?

921 - Record from composite?

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