Distant Locals


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Original poster
May 12, 2004
Is there a specific sized dish that I need to receive distant locals? (ex.) In L.A. and want Pittsburgh locals. Thanks
Here we go again....it's Distants....not Distant locals

The only distants available on Dish are LA, NY, Chicago & Atlanta. Its the Big 4 (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX)

Most other locals are on Spotbeam, and can't be viewed outside of the spotbeam.

About those spotbeams. I've looked on the Echostar Spotbeam Maps and is pretty clear that the signal (at least for 119) is still strong enough well outside the range indicated. I.e. someone from LA can likely receive a strong enough signal from the SF spotbeam (even though the map indicates the SF spotbeam "stops" north of Bakersfield and San Luis Obispo), one might just need to take a bit more care when positioning the dish. However, once one gets too far from the center of the spotbeam, there is no hope.

Along those lines, I read (where, I forget) that a new spotbeam plan is being considered, with smaller spotbeams, but more of them. I.e. a greater proportion of the US could be served by local "locals". Does anyone have more information or at least a link to some info about this? I am curious about the details.

All the best...

roadrhino said:
About those spotbeams. I've looked on the Echostar Spotbeam Maps and is pretty clear that the signal (at least for 119) is still strong enough well outside the range indicated. I.e. someone from LA can likely receive a strong enough signal from the SF spotbeam (even though the map indicates the SF spotbeam "stops" north of Bakersfield and San Luis Obispo), one might just need to take a bit more care when positioning the dish. However, once one gets too far from the center of the spotbeam, there is no hope.

Along those lines, I read (where, I forget) that a new spotbeam plan is being considered, with smaller spotbeams, but more of them. I.e. a greater proportion of the US could be served by local "locals". Does anyone have more information or at least a link to some info about this? I am curious about the details.

All the best...


I do not know to many of the details except E10 is planned for next year, it is a spotbeam satellite and is planned for the 110 location. I am not certain but I think that this satellite is patterned after the D* spotbeam satellites, if I am correct this means their should be more spots, however to take full advantage of this E* will need to add a 3rd up-link center which they have not yet announced.

Dreaded "scrolling white lines"

Fed Court Dismisses D* Claim on Pegasus

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