DN 811 and issues


New Member
Original poster
Nov 6, 2006
Champlin, MN
I am new to this forum and HD TV. I noticed yesterday that the HD channels I am presently getting were broadcasting in SD only. It was working great Sat and Fri after hooking it up. Is this a common problem and if so what can be done to correct it?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for getting back to me... The picture was good on all the channels just not HD quality. The thing we noticed was that the two status boxes you see when changing channels or pressing info had them listed as SD Normal and not HD normal. We tried all the HD channels we presently receive (6) with the same result. I tried a soft reset with no change also.
I'm guessing that you might have changed the video input source on your HD set. Try changing the input with your TV remote, or remove any s-video, RF or composite (RWY) cables. Leave the DVI or YPrPb cables connected.
Thanks for getting back to me... The picture was good on all the channels just not HD quality. The thing we noticed was that the two status boxes you see when changing channels or pressing info had them listed as SD Normal and not HD normal. We tried all the HD channels we presently receive (6) with the same result. I tried a soft reset with no change also.

On your 811 Remote...us the "Page" UP button to change format !!

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