do i have correct equipment


Original poster
Aug 7, 2010
I currently have a dish setup with a legacy lnb with dual output into a switch feeding one sonic view receiver and a dishnetwork vip222 receiver.

i went ahead and purchased another vip222 receiver but only had one more output on the switch so i decided to purchase a compatible dp switch and lnb which i got the dp34 and the dish pro single "dual" lnb pictured below since i didn't want to have to run additional cables to the room where the 2nd vip 222 would be located. I read basically that using these switches and lnb i would be able to send the signal down one cable and then use the supplied triplexer to feed both tuner outputs.

now i'm reading this equipment is not compatible and i would still need to run 2 cable from that lnb eliminating the switch.

currently i have 2 cables coming from the lnb to the satellite inputs on the dp34 then one cable from the dp34 out to the room where it goes into the triplexer and out to tuner 1 and 2 on the receiver. is this correct.

also i see now i only need one output from this particular lnb to the switch is this why its not working as i have both outputs on the lnb connected to the switch.


  • DishProSingleDualLNB.jpg
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You probably wanted to buy DP duals and the DPP33 switch, which would have fed both tuners on the 222's via a single cable each. But if you really have only one orbital location, you don't really need a switch at all with a DP dual. (Possibly you would need an amp to fan it out to 4 tuners.)
Getting only one satellite from a DP LNB is the rare case where you can split the satellite feed. That said, it's also quite the rare case for a Dish Network sub to need only one satellite. For an HD receiver in NYC, you need a Dish 1000.4, or at least individual LNBs for 61.5 and 72.7 run through a DPP33 switch. Either will allow you to run just one line to the receiver and use the Separator to feed each tuner.
well i'm in the caribbean, so down here we only get 119 strong enough to view. we also receive 61.5 for hd but as we have to use 8ft solid dishes most persons don't use 2 dishes as the expense of having 2 8ft dishes is not justified for just having a crystal clear picture. for me the hd ppv channels come on 119 so i'm cool with that. ok right now i'm just dealing with one receiver at a time. if i have the lnb which i have in the pic which is the single with dual outputs, i can basically just connect one of those outputs to the coax going to the triplexer and into the receiver?
The Triplexer and Separator are only to be used in conjunction with a DPP switch. For one satellite received by a DP LNB, you can use a splitter rated to handle up to 2200Hz.
Sorry, but BB is right because there is no such thing as a DPP LNB. It's the switch part of integrated assemblies (such as the DPP twin) that do the "plus" part to feed two tuners over one cable.

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