The receiver also runs a diagnostic that checks the receiver functions and the signal strengths that aid us in troubleshooting issues if they arise.
I'll probably get thrashed for this response *and this is MY response, NOT Dish's response* ...but I've seen WAY to many systems with lower than standard signal levels, overheated systems, etc with phone/bb lines connected and operating for Dish to be testing signal strengths. -or for that matter doing ANY diagnostics (STBH).
That said:
-Ive NEVER had a customer tell me "dish contacted me and told me that the signal strengths are low, my rcvr overheated, etc...a tech needs to come out"
-Ive had MANY customers tell me "they ran me through this screen that your looking at now..." if that was the case, and dish already had STBH stats, a point dish screen wouldn't be needed for the CSR. Logic would tell me that an agent would be able to access the STBH info on the rcvr from their end...real time data, saved info, etc. with a phone line connected.
-Ive been to MANY migration work orders where Dish insisted a tech come out for the get there and find out there is already a "full arc" system...and ph line/bb connections are present. Again, if STBH was present, Dish should know what orbitals the customer is seeing and shouldn't send a tech...or for that matter even bug the customer to have the migration performed in the first place.
I could go on. To my knowledge, a dish (Dish/Direct/Primestar, etc) cant transmit anything...that's what a phone line is for. (of course a hughes/wild blue system can) IMO, with a rcvr thats plugged into the wall, good phone line or bb line connected, dish should be able to do anything to that rcvr that they wish, remotely.
My bottom line, a ph/bb line does nothing for dish other than the customer having the opportunity to view remotely, purchase movies, etc. So sorry, based on my experiences, I do not buy the STBH disclaimer that Dish spells out for people.