Do you like or dislike the 811?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 2, 2004
simple question- Do you hate the Dish 811 HD receiver or do you like it? (as the 811 is today, not what it might or might not be after a software update sometime in the future) its either yes or no, no maybe's or we will see. Please only vote if you own/lease OR have owned/leased the 811 OR have first hand experience with the unit (a Dish Network dealer/installer for example).
~have a story to support your vote about the receiver? tell us below! Thanks for voting and have a great day! :)

your either satisfied with the 811 or not. that is what I am asking for, put another way. there is no maybe's in this poll. vote now!
I used to like Dish, and recommended it to my friends. That all has changed since I "downgraded" to the 811. :mad: The only good thing about the 811 is I found this forum because of it.
The dark video is definitely a show stopper for me. Poor OTA lock on and having it download the guide everytime I turn around is also very aggravating.
I have only had Dish Network about two weeks, but so far I like the 811. At first, I was disappointed that the guide only showed a couple of hours, but I learned the solution on this forum. I am not experiencing the dark video some users have.
GaryPen said:
Hey Mini- I told ya!
the vote has turned around! what is going on? Is there a big amount of first time HD receiver owners voting, who have nothing to compare this unit to, or is this unit really that good?
mini1 said:
the vote has turned around! what is going on? Is there a big amount of first time HD receiver owners voting, who have nothing to compare this unit to, or is this unit really that good?

The 811 is crap, someones stuffing your ballot box.
still when you have over 40% of owners that hate your product, you have got a problem!
mini1 said:
still when you have over 40% of owners that hate your product, you have got a problem!

Sure, you are going to to get 40% that aren't happy in this forum. Go to the D* forum and get 40%, go to Voom and get 40%. Go ahead give it a try.
mini1 said:
the vote has turned around! what is going on? Is there a big amount of first time HD receiver owners voting, who have nothing to compare this unit to, or is this unit really that good?

First off like someone stated earlier when you give only two choices (Black and white), people are going to place grey in either a white catagory or black. In my opinion this poll does not give a lot of information.

from my observations on the posts,

Some people think it is a piece of crap, think it is not even worth the $149 bucks they payed for it.

Others feel that it decent.. has some warts but nothing that would make them classify it at a SPOS.

40% dislike/hate the 811. Not hate the 811 as the other poster stated. Well thought at first look this is alarming, but then given the svideo issue I am not suprised. My guess is if 266 does fix this issue the numbers might change.

For me it is not how many people dislike the product, it is the why that is important. I think there is numerious threads that discuss this issue.

Having said that given the black/white question, I said I liked/loved my 811. To answer more specifically, I like it and it serves its purpose. I have some issues, but overall it does an acceptable job. I hope things will improve with it but it is obvious a work in progress. ;)

Others feel the box rocks and ignore the warts or just don't run into them.

The majority of the people seem to fall into catagory two from what I can tell. I fall into that catagory. I had a 6000 for a year so my guess is that there is a percentage that fall into that catagory.

I noticed that people have started to read into the results of this poll. Well personally I would not read anything into them. As far as polls go, this one does not have enough options to get a feel for what 811 users really think. That is my personally opinion.
I think those of us in the know are disenfranchised and have given up. I only voted because it was on the quick hitters on the front page. I don't even read the 811 threads anymore. I've made my decision. I will try to get out of my commitment and go to DirecTV.

History: I had a 6000. Hated the guide, the speed, and the OTA multipath recovery. Got the 811. The guide is worse (inaccuracy is worse than 2 hours), speed is great, OTA is OK only - but the stability is ridiculous. I don't have the dark video issues, but I find the boxes stability to be completely unacceptable. And I am completely at a loss as to why in 5 years Dish could not have done more to update the onscreen guide. The 6 months since I got the box is too long to wait for stability. I don't care what Dish does now - I've made up my mind.

This morning I was on this poll and watched at least 10 yes votes come in with 30 min. It's easy to cheat on these polls, just create a new account and vote as many times as you want. Lets post by user name whether you like it or not and see how many votes come in with a very low post count. I still think this poll has been comprimised. It was running at least 70/30 that dislike the 811, then with in an hour it had turned around. Very suspicious.
sprite1741 said:
This morning I was on this poll and watched at least 10 yes votes come in with 30 min. It's easy to cheat on these polls, just create a new account and vote as many times as you want. Lets post by user name whether you like it or not and see how many votes come in with a very low post count. I still think this poll has been comprimised. It was running at least 70/30 that dislike the 811, then with in an hour it had turned around. Very suspicious.

So you are saying that someone is creating individual accounts for the sole purpose of stuffing this innaccurate poll? People need to get a life. :shocked I am not talking about you just to be clear.

what antenna to use with the 811

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