Downside to buying a used E* IRD with no card?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Moreno Valley, CA
If I were to buy a used receiver with no card what would be the downside? Is it possible to get it to "re-marry" a new card? Is it even possible to get it re-activated?
It may be possible to have a CSR (after playing CSR roulette) to marry a different card to the receiver but both must have no balance owed on them and be transferred to you from the previous owner. Otherwise it will be $50 for the smart card and I would make sure that there was no balance owed on the receiver first if you went that route.

Basically your better off just buying a used receiver with the smart card because of the cost of the smart card.
Stargazer said:
Basically your better off just buying a used receiver with the smart card because of the cost of the smart card.

I agree, and add that if the card is missing, then there is a good chance that the receiver has been messed with as well and very possibly damaged beyond repair.

Buyer beware when they are advertised without cards....... :shock:
When a receiver does not have a card it sounds like a hacker may have messed with it. The receiver still may not operate as it should if a new card is bought.

Nice article on Local Broadcaster


era for dbs!

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