DP Plus quesiton


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Original poster
Sep 26, 2011
Central TX
I have a DP Plus LNB and need to buy a switch to get it running on my VIP 211k.

Is the DPP 44 my only option?

Thanks for the help!
More info

I'm probably not describing this properly. The LNB I have (I actually have two DP PLUS LNB's, but I'm trying to do this one at a time) is labled as PN 151300RM and has three connections on it - 1, 2 and LNB-IN. I'm assuming that for where I live in TX, connections 1 and 2 should give me 110 and 119. If that's right, then I will need a switch to get those two signals into the single input on my 211 (the only receiver that will be on this antenna - I'm using it for my RV and tailgating locally). ???
No. You just need a single coax from either connection 1 or connection 2 to go to the input on the 211. The switch is built-in to the DPP LNB.
Got it, thanks. One more thing about this LNB - when I hook it up as described and run the switch test, I should see both satellites when the test is complete, right?
Got it, thanks. One more thing about this LNB - when I hook it up as described and run the switch test, I should see both satellites when the test is complete, right?
You have Dishpro Plus Twins. They will pick up 119 and 110 anywhere in the US you can get LOS.
The checkswitch should run 3 tests with 119/110/X with green boxes under 119 and 110 as the result if it is aimed correctly.

New York City 129W

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