E* and Viacom - go Dish!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 11, 2003
Las Cruces, NM
After sitting back and looking at the goings on, I support E* in this. Personally, the channels lost mean nothing to me as I don't watch them anyway. Believe it or not, this was the headline story in this mornings local paper and reading Viacoms response, they are very arrogant.

Viacom responded with a recommendation that customers drop Dish Network.
“We have solid business partnerships with virtually every other satellite and cable TV operator except for EchoStar/Dish Network,” Viacom said. “Fortunately, consumers have a choice. Current EchoStar/Dish Network subscribers ... can easily switch to one of these reputable operators.

Reputable operators. Our local cable outfit, Comcast, is the most nono-responsive, over charging cable operator I have ever seen. Charlie is fighting to keep us, the E* customer's, costs down. Therefore Charlie must be an "un-reputable operator" and Comcast, who would pass on the fee in a heartbeat must be a reputable operator. (Here's a hint - I dropped cable because of their expensive fees and disappearing act when the cable went out, which it does quite often here)

MTV sucks and has for several years now. VH1 used to be decent but I don't watch it anymore. Nick - well my kids are grown and gone and I don't care to watch people getting green slimed. Comedy Channel - yawn...... I get my local CBS in HD already. BET - another yawn....

So Viacom, you keep your lousy channels, I will not watch them anyway. Now E* can hopefully go after other channels to replace the Viacom channels with others that would be more appealing.

“Only three people have called and just one of them talked about switching,” said Riley, who said Rio Grande Satellite has about 2,500 Dish Network subscribers.

Not exactly a ground swell of support for Viacom here locally. Go Charlie....
Yeah, working for an RSP here.. 2 Customers called about Viacom.. 1 wanted to cancell, and then I asked her to watch Charlie on 101, and sha said she'll give it a week.

New customers, though, are bailing until it's settled. Alot of reschedules... which means we can fit in superdish customers out in June.

Just a short term hiccup here.
Harry said:
After sitting back and looking at the goings on, I support E* in this. Personally, the channels lost mean nothing to me as I don't watch them anyway. Believe it or not, this was the headline story in this mornings local paper and reading Viacoms response, they are very arrogant.

Viacom responded with a recommendation that customers drop Dish Network.
“We have solid business partnerships with virtually every other satellite and cable TV operator except for EchoStar/Dish Network,” Viacom said. “Fortunately, consumers have a choice. Current EchoStar/Dish Network subscribers ... can easily switch to one of these reputable operators.

Reputable operators. Our local cable outfit, Comcast, is the most nono-responsive, over charging cable operator I have ever seen. Charlie is fighting to keep us, the E* customer's, costs down. Therefore Charlie must be an "un-reputable operator" and Comcast, who would pass on the fee in a heartbeat must be a reputable operator. (Here's a hint - I dropped cable because of their expensive fees and disappearing act when the cable went out, which it does quite often here)

MTV sucks and has for several years now. VH1 used to be decent but I don't watch it anymore. Nick - well my kids are grown and gone and I don't care to watch people getting green slimed. Comedy Channel - yawn...... I get my local CBS in HD already. BET - another yawn....

So Viacom, you keep your lousy channels, I will not watch them anyway. Now E* can hopefully go after other channels to replace the Viacom channels with others that would be more appealing.

“Only three people have called and just one of them talked about switching,” said Riley, who said Rio Grande Satellite has about 2,500 Dish Network subscribers.

Not exactly a ground swell of support for Viacom here locally. Go Charlie....

Same here,I'am not missing a thing. I'am with Charlie 100% .
The only thing I am missing is CBS..

Something else I noticed..When you go to the local page and put in your address, it lists all the locals I can get EXCEPT for CBS...It is off the Minneapolis Locals page.
I agree, while I do miss CBS, and think some of the MTV/VH1 stuff is fun (I love the 80s, and Beavis and Butt Head reruns) I can live without it.

And with the 811 148sat problem I have been without CBSHD for a while so I guess until that is fixed I could care less about CBS.
Harry said:
After sitting back and looking at the goings on, I support E* in this. Personally, the channels lost mean nothing to me as I don't watch them anyway.

What channels do you watch? What it Charlie pulled this on something you really liked. What if you really liked NFC Football and Charlie and Fox got into it just as the NFL season was starting, still back Charlie? What if you like SciFi and he pulled that channel just in time to miss the season ending of your favorite show. Oh, you're a Braves baseball fan and Charlier and Turner aren't seeing eye to eye, still say it's OK for Charlie to protect your interests?

Prices go up, that's a fact of life. You expect a raise at work in your salary don't you, someone's got to pay for that and that's why the price for whatever product or service you produce goes up.
rad said:
What channels do you watch? What it Charlie pulled this on something you really liked. What if you really liked NFC Football and Charlie and Fox got into it just as the NFL season was starting, still back Charlie? What if you like SciFi and he pulled that channel just in time to miss the season ending of your favorite show. Oh, you're a Braves baseball fan and Charlier and Turner aren't seeing eye to eye, still say it's OK for Charlie to protect your interests?

That's just it, I didn't watch most of that crap anyway so no harm done towards me. I do watch SCIFI. I watch HDNET stuff, some HBO/Cinemax, News, History Channel, Weather Channel,some A&E and ESPN. I get locals OTA so I get CBS in HD OTA, Fox is digital, PBS is HD. NBC and ABC I can only get analog but they are going to increase their Digital signal so we will get them sometime this year.

rad said:
Prices go up, that's a fact of life. You expect a raise at work in your salary don't you, someone's got to pay for that and that's why the price for whatever product or service you produce goes up.

It is more than just a mere price increase. Viacom, according to Charlie, is trying to force E* into more Viacom stations beyond the ones E* have now. I believe that is called blackmail. Funny how the Viacom CEO didn't mention that little tid bit.

No, I don't want more crap from Vaicom to go along with what I don't watch now. Unless Viacom can provide something that isn't mindless, let them keep their BS channels. At least we get a $1 DECREASE in our bill. (You see, price increases are not always a fact of life)
rad said:
What channels do you watch? What it Charlie pulled this on something you really liked. What if you really liked NFC Football and Charlie and Fox got into it just as the NFL season was starting, still back Charlie? What if you like SciFi and he pulled that channel just in time to miss the season ending of your favorite show. Oh, you're a Braves baseball fan and Charlier and Turner aren't seeing eye to eye, still say it's OK for Charlie to protect your interests?

Prices go up, that's a fact of life. You expect a raise at work in your salary don't you, someone's got to pay for that and that's why the price for whatever product or service you produce goes up.

Let Charlie take them all on! I would rather see that than see him roll over and just take an exhorbitant rate increase. As soon as one MSO falls for it then they think everyone will roll over. It is sad to see that the situation has to come to this. I also think that maybe Charlie could have handled negotiations more tactfully and not started publicly rattling his sabre until the last minute. Still, I am glad that he is taking on Viacom and perhaps keeping rates low for everyone, not just Echostar customers. :D
We watched Food network instead of Comedy Central last night... learned all about the history of hot dogs... and how to make homemade jam.

Wanted to be laughing at Jon Stewart... instead i was learning how to make jam...


BTW, I watch Unwrapped and Good Eats occasionally... just this time I really wanted a laugh after dealing with Viacom crap all day.

New Website About Viacom

Hey I was on Tv today talking about the Viacom issue

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