E* model 2800


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 29, 2004
Can anybody help me please? I have a E* 2800 reciever, and superdish is coming in 10 days. That said...
1.) I don't yet get channel 100, the news/local weather channel. Is this coming soon to the 2800?
2.) Will the 2800 work with the superdish? Sys info screen says Dish500 Card ready.
3.) Is there a way to use two seperate smaller dishes, aimed at seperate satellites, and combine the signal for use on my single 2800, as if they were a superdish, but with better signal levels?
4.) If no to these RE: the 2800, any reccomendations on a used reciever model that would do the trick? I dont need HD, Recording, second tuner, or anything else extra, just single tuner for 119 and locals that I believe are on 105.
I don't think open TV is going to be on the 2800 as It is a legacy device and dish is discouraging people from still using them.

the best way to see if the 2800 is superdish compatible is to check the point dish menu and see if superdish is an option (105 or 121 bird,I believe it was on my 2700).

you will probably need an adapter($65-$75) to work with the superdish.

so my suggestion to you is to call dish and see what kind of upgrade offers they have for you and try to get a new receiver for about $100.

DISH sent me a new smartcard today

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