Fairwell Terri Shiavo

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Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I just heard the news of the death of Terri Shiavo, and I must admit I am saddened by the news.

When the case started making news a few weeks ago, I agreed with most everyone and said, they should let her die. After all when you have a sick pet and you know its not going to get better you can put it to sleep.

However over the past few weeks my opinion changed and I felt that because the parents wanted to take care of her that Terri should have been allowed to be under the care and direction of her Parents.

No one knows what Terri was feeling in her last weeks after her feeding tube was removed, imagine her hungry and thirsty in bed and having all these doctors and other folks coming in and just looking at her but not helping her.

Criminals get more humane treatment when they are sentenced to die then Terri did. Terri was not on life support, she was just on assisted feeding, and she had parents who wanted to take care of her, why couldnt they have let her live?

At first I thought Michael Schaivo was being compassionate for his wife, but in the end it seemed as though he just wanted her to die. Since he is already remarried why didn't he just say goodbye and let her live with her parents, she would not be dead but still would be out of his life.

It's sad if you think about it.

Farewell Terri, your are at peace now.
I fell so bad for her. No one what was going on in her head if anything. I fell that both the parents and the husband should be ashamed of themselves over this situation. I think that they all were using her out of spite to fight over the million dollar malpractice award he got.
To all who wanted her dead, I feel you should be locked up in a room and see how long you last. Science could use the data!
farewell terri

to michael, you are free now to spend the last 280,000 on your sicko mistress and the bastard kids and legally that is what they are. i hope the church excommunicates you. i hope you die a slow agonizing death, alone. couldn't even let the parents be with her at her passing, you have no heart or soul.
alone with her the last ten minutes, hummmmm, wonder if the cops checked her face for pillow marks, what an evil sick twisted monster

No Place For Politics

What saddened me today was this uninformed and political thread. But since you chose to open this box Scott, I feel the need to respond.

You say "imagine her hungry and thirsty in bed and having all these doctors and other folks coming in and just looking at her but not helping her" All independant and credible doctors say the persisitent vegetative state Terry was in would preclude her from feeling hunger or thirst. Terry's cortex had in effect turned to mush. There was no thought or recognition of any feeling.

Michael did want her to die because it was Terry's wish not to live in that state. She expressed that wish to her husband many years ago. He was a courageous man in the face of derision, death threats and insulting offers of millions of dollars who continued to fought for his wife's wishes.

Finally, you say the parents want to take care of her. The truth of the matter is that the State of Florida Medicaid would take care of her, as it has been for years. The Schindlers are not going to pay for her care. It is intersting that the Schiindlers were supportive of Michael until he received his med mal settlement.(Money which is long gone due to the medical costs and attorney's fees fighting the Schindlers) Mr. Schindler asked Michael for a portion of the malpractice settlement. Michael refused which angered the Schindlers. Only then did they begin to question Michael about Terry's wishes.

Terry wasn't getting better. She had been "dead" for years. Terry's body remained but she was gone. Finally, she can rest. Rest in Peace.
I agree with the prior poster, and I along with my mother and sister had to decide to remove a feeding tube from my father a couple of years ago.

From what I've seen in the press, the ONLY doctors that said that Terri MIGHT recover were ones that her parents had brought in for an opinion, all the other said she was in a PVS and there was no hope of recovery. Maybe after a few years there might have been a miracle but after 15 years I think that time was long gone.

Again, from what I've read, Michael for a number of years tried everything to get her cured with no luck. From a story at http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/na/sns-schiavo,1,913230.story?coll=chi-news-hed
For three years, Michael Schiavo kept vigil at her side, seeking aggressive rehabilitative therapy. He took her to California for experimental surgery, admitted her to a brain injury center in Bradenton and hired an aide to take her to parks, to museums, to the beauty shop -- anything to stimulate her. Later, he even became a critical care nurse so he could tend to her many needs.

But nothing drew Terri out of her cocoon and, by 1994, her husband accepted her doctors' prognosis. Her cerebral cortex was all but gone. She could not think, feel, reason or communicate and never would again. He decided it was time to let her go,...

To me this doesn't sound like a money hungry person that just wanted to get rid of his wife but someone that didn't want to see her just as an empty shell of the person she was. Just my two cents.
I don't think anyone of us here with the exception of rad could really ever know what they would do in a situation like this. Talk about Hell on Earth. Everyone telling you what to do when you know what really has to be done all along.

I do agree that if her parent's wanted to keep her alive they should have let them. As long as they were footing the bill.

I just pray that the worst problems we have in life here are buggy E* DVR's and delayed Voom ones.
rad said:
I agree with the prior poster, and I along with my mother and sister had to decide to remove a feeding tube from my father a couple of years ago.

From what I've seen in the press, the ONLY doctors that said that Terri MIGHT recover were ones that her parents had brought in for an opinion, all the other said she was in a PVS and there was no hope of recovery. Maybe after a few years there might have been a miracle but after 15 years I think that time was long gone.

Again, from what I've read, Michael for a number of years tried everything to get her cured with no luck. From a story at http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/na/sns-schiavo,1,913230.story?coll=chi-news-hed
For three years, Michael Schiavo kept vigil at her side, seeking aggressive rehabilitative therapy. He took her to California for experimental surgery, admitted her to a brain injury center in Bradenton and hired an aide to take her to parks, to museums, to the beauty shop -- anything to stimulate her. Later, he even became a critical care nurse so he could tend to her many needs.

But nothing drew Terri out of her cocoon and, by 1994, her husband accepted her doctors' prognosis. Her cerebral cortex was all but gone. She could not think, feel, reason or communicate and never would again. He decided it was time to let her go,...

To me this doesn't sound like a money hungry person that just wanted to get rid of his wife but someone that didn't want to see her just as an empty shell of the person she was. Just my two cents.

Very well put You have your facts streight the original poster does not.
um, HD921
you are accusing Scott (the owner/admin of here) of lying? :)

As for the whole situation, I have nothing to say, mainly because I don't want to get in a pissing match with other people. Thats what the post at the other site is for.
I posted this knowing it would open up a can of worms. It's ok and it's good that others have a different opinions of this matter.

I just hope I never have to go through this with any of my family. No matter how you feel in the end its a sad happening.
dragon002 said:
to michael, you are free now to spend the last 280,000 on your sicko mistress and the bastard kids and legally that is what they are.
Although I never agreed to the mistress and kids without a proper divorce it has been proven in court papers numerous times that more than 65% of the settlement he won (was placed into trust) on her behalf was spent directly or indirectly on her care; but the remaining money was lost fighting court battles with her parents fighting to get that money for themselves. The fight with him, over HER, began once the knew the money was gone, THEN it became about Terri. Like I said before, they should ALL be ashamed.
it seems something went on in that hospital room, during the last 15 minutes,
mike didn't let anyone be there, and told them to leave, :no

did mike give her something and poison her to death during the 15 minutes ? :rolleyes: :(

think about it. :confused:

I feel an Court Suit against Mike coming :rolleyes:
hdtvtechno said:
it seems something went on in that hospital room, during the last 15 minutes,
mike didn't let anyone be there, and told them to leave, :no

did mike give her something and poison her to death during the 15 minutes ? :rolleyes: :(

think about it. :confused:

I feel an Court Suit against Mike coming :rolleyes:

If so why would Michael say he want's an autopsy done?
No, he had to order it to be done. This has been reported in the news for the last few days.

1. "Terri Schiavo's husband has asked that an autopsy be performed on his wife after she dies so that a full report can be done on the extent of her brain damage, an attorney for Michael Schiavo said Monday."

2. "Felos said Michael Schiavo decided to come forward with the autopsy plans for Terri Schiavo after "opponents to carrying out her wishes" suggested Michael Schiavo had an ulterior motive in his plans to cremate his wife."


Fight Over Money / Spite! (educate yourselves)



charper1 said:
No, he had to order it to be done. This has been reported in the news for the last few days.

1. "Terri Schiavo's husband has asked that an autopsy be performed on his wife after she dies so that a full report can be done on the extent of her brain damage, an attorney for Michael Schiavo said Monday."

2. "Felos said Michael Schiavo decided to come forward with the autopsy plans for Terri Schiavo after "opponents to carrying out her wishes" suggested Michael Schiavo had an ulterior motive in his plans to cremate his wife."

The thing that irks me the most about this whole thing is that the husband had a mistress and children with that person while still being married.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, but my belief is that if someone is married they shouldn't start a life with someone else unless they get a divorce first.

And I also believe that the parents should have at least been allowed to be with Terri when she passed. No parent should be denied that right.
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