nrholland SatelliteGuys Pro Original poster Nov 13, 2003 414 0 Tampa Bay Area Mar 23, 2009 #1 I don't see Fandango in the interactive section. How come my 722s don't have it? Where is it supposed to be located and how do you get to it?
I don't see Fandango in the interactive section. How come my 722s don't have it? Where is it supposed to be located and how do you get to it?
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,356 28,241 Newington, CT Mar 23, 2009 #2 Hey don't feel bad as I don't have it on my receivers eaither.
S space86 SatelliteGuys Pro May 3, 2007 639 12 Mar 26, 2009 #3 Question anybody have Fandango on a 722, I have Fandango on my 622 but not on my 722 yet?