The guy who does Law and Order produces the show

ick Wolf. The show felt really heavy with so many explosions. I will keep watching because the female lead used to be on Rookie Blue a few years back.
Exactly because it's a Dick Wolf show I included it on my to watch list.
I've been a Law & Order fan, you name it the original, Criminal Intent, SVU, Trial By Jury, Los Angeles, and the last one Law & Order True Crime.
Well maybe except SVU, it was too much for me after about 6 seasons, and also with the exception of Law & Order UK, which I watched some episodes but, not for me, and I remember I watched a few episodes of the French Criminal Intent version, for some strange reason I remember a scene where a woman was taking a shower, and the scene showed her naked waist up, nothing out of the ordinary in a French version of the Dick Wolf show, and of course something we'll never get to see on the Dick Wolf shows broadcast in the US.
Anyway, shower scene aside, out of respect to Dick Wolf, I'll give it another try, but only after I watch New Amsterdam