Filmon TV?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 25, 2015
new york
I stumbled across this channel when I was looking through a TV Guide for Dish with Locals. But it only seems to be on Dish in certain places like California and Miami? It's basically a selection of programs from the Filmon streaming site (A channel like this existed in the UK but shut down a while ago) Has this existed long? And how come itsee not on available nationwide on Dish or how does it work? It seems to be a local channel that is exclusive to Dish in certain areas or what really is it? has been around for YEARS. There's an app available for Roku and such, or you can watch it online on your pc. It's far more than just that single channel.
How come its not available nationwide on Dish? Is it just really a local channel that's available exclusively on Dish? (Is this the only one?) Why is it not available everywhere?
How come its not available nationwide on Dish? Is it just really a local channel that's available exclusively on Dish? (Is this the only one?) Why is it not available everywhere?

Its not a single channel, Its a service with a bunch of streaming channels, some free, some not, some of which Dish or others may or may not have tv rights to. Nothing really worth wasting satellite bandwidth on to rebroadcast.

In some areas, they have a Filmon channel that is on a digital over the air local, that is the channel I believe dish is carrying in those limited areas.
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It is on channel 9 in the Atl market. But it is just a black screen now that says the their having technical issues.
In some areas, they have a Filmon channel that is on a digital over the air local, that is the channel I believe dish is carrying in those limited areas.
Exactly. It seemed to start as that service owned by the millionaire young fellow and his BattleCam junk, so he acquired 24/7 airtime (he did NOT own the license or station) on some local digital OTA's, and even on the MAIN channel. While in LA he did have the MAIN OTA on some number I forget, Dish "mysteriously" mapped that OTA to the non-existant Channel 3 on the guide and via SAT--CLEARLY Dish was PAID by this millionair to do. so. When BattleCam was not airing, it played some really old and cheap TV shows and movies that had very poor transfers.

After some time (many months), the programming was replacec by some religious 24/7--obviously the BattleCam via OTA and Sat was not successful, or at least played its role and no longer aired. Then, once again, Dish "mysteriously" adds the non existant Channel 6 in LA as in the EPG and via Sat for FilmOn--Dish obviously paid to do so. I thought maybe that this was also from the same young millionaire because at cetain hours I saw some unrelated JUNK having to do with internet chatting or stuff, not quite BattleCam but like it. It seemed to have the young millionaire's finger prints all over it.

I'm sure the young millionaire has plenty of money he inherited to spend and fancy himself some sort of business man to fulfill his dream of having a successful business that just pours money to gain access to 24/7 MAIN channels and pay even more to services like Dish to include it via sat as part of the LIL in the EPG. The owners of the OTA channels probably make more from his payments then they would airing typical programming. I could not figure it all out, but it is delusions of grandure. I think his parents are billionaire's.
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I'm sure the young millionaire has plenty of money he inherited to spend and fancy himself some sort of business man to fulfill his dream of having a successful business that just pours money to gain access to 24/7 MAIN channels and pay even more to services like Dish to include it via sat as part of the LIL in the EPG. The owners of the OTA channels probably make more from his payments then they would airing typical programming. I could not figure it all out, but it is delusions of grandure. I think his parents are billionaire's.

Why don't you tell the entire story, not just your biased side. Alki David did, indeed, grow up with a rich family. Yes, they are billionaires. They, and he, worked their butts off to be billionaires. There are no delusions at all, except maybe in your case. They made money in business and expanded it. That's how it works....

Alki David - Wikipedia
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Wrong sat message

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