Fine Tuning


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 11, 2004
Marianna, FL
Looking for some help in fine tuning my setup.

DISH 500 with 2 DP 7200's.

Currently getting high 60's on 110, and 50's on 119 on the combined screen display.

As I understand based on my zip, my settings should should be: AZ-242, EL-31, SK-129.

If I understand some of what I have read on here, in order to try and increase my signal strength I need to do the following:

Disconnect one of the s-21 switches and install a connector, check my 119 signal and then slowly adjust the elevation to see if the signal strength increases. In order to increase my 119 strength, do I need to raise or lower my elevation?

Once I'm satisfied with 119, re-install the s-21 switch, run the check switch, and then re-do the procedure for 110?

Is this about right??

Should I be checking for signal strength on individual transponders, or just using the strength meter for the 110, 119 sat?

Thanks in advance.
Do not use the dish 500 setup , readings mean nothing. go to dish pointing and select 110 or 119 and use TPs above 10. 1,3,5,7and 9 are spotbeams on 119 and 2,4,6,8 and 10 are spotbeams on 110. Use 29 on 110, that is the one for your EPG.
The DP(7100/7200) signal only go to 100 not 125. No need to unhook the sw 21 to adjust dish
oljim said:
Do not use the dish 500 setup , readings mean nothing. go to dish pointing and select 110 or 119 and use TPs above 10. 1,3,5,7and 9 are spotbeams on 119 and 2,4,6,8 and 10 are spotbeams on 110. Use 29 on 110, that is the one for your EPG.
The DP(7100/7200) signal only go to 100 not 125. No need to unhook the sw 21 to adjust dish


Should I then just be concerned with the individual readings on the TP's above 10, that as long as they are in the 70's or above that I am doing pretty well strength wise?

DISH hits new 52 week low

any hd satellite users in or around citrus county florida???

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