Free HR20 in Atlanta

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 28, 2004
Finally after 3 cancellations I got my DirecTV installed on Friday. I guess it was worth the wait, for my troubles I got a free HD DVR which to my surprise was a HR 20. The technician told me everyone scheduled for an HD DVR install in the Atlanta area gets a HR20 and it's his understanding that as of last week it is the same around the country. Judging from the number of HR20 threads I would guess he is right.

After having it for two days, my first impression is positive, I like the box very much. I think it is as good if not better than the Standard Tivo box. I never owned a HR 10 so I can't compare. I like the look of the menus, I love being able to watch TV while going through the guide and menus. Also the HR 20 just looks dam# good.

As far as PQ, I already knew Comcast HD PQ was better than DirecTV but it's been months since I've seen DirecTV HD and it looks much better than I remember. I'd say as good as a DVD. Not the same depth as cable but I got to see the Giants biggest come back since 1970 so it is definitely worth it! GO GMEN!!
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Can I Diplex D* AT9 with RR?

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