Funny Letter from Dish

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Today I opened my mailbox and got two letters from Dish, one was the notice that my rate was going up with a Pay Per View Coupon, and the second one I thought was kind of funny.

This note was notifying me that HARTFORD / NEW HAVEN Locals Are NOW available from Dish Network.

The funny part is that the letter is signed Soraya Cartwright who left Echostar a few weeks ago. I am suprised they don't have Mr Kelly on their yet who is replacing Ms Cartwright.

That was my laugh of the day. :D
I got the same thing. I also noticed that it was signed by Soraya Cartwright. Sounds like a bunch of leftover letters they had that they want to rid of to ''save money''.

Also they sent me a letter that showed where the annual subscription would be in February and that it will increase from $451 to $473 per year. This was last year's increase. When I called Dish Network they told me it would be $495 in February. I told them that they sent me a letter of this rate and that they will have to hold to it. She said that I would still be charged $473 and seen it in the computer.

It also says how they have these new very popular programming channels added such as National Geographic, MuchMusic and CNBC World. Aint that funny, MuchMusic is now named Fuse over the past year and they are not and have not been new channels for a good while now. They also sent me a brochure of their annual prices of all their packages.
AEP Rate Increase Letter from Charlie

My letter advising that the AEP was going to $77.99 a month (which is about double the inflation rate) was signed by Oink Oink Charlie himself and also included a PPV movie coupon. Also of note was a "new" (at least to me) email address under his signature of:
Scott I also got a letter Jan 22 telling me Sherman/Ada locals were available, mine also erroneously told me I could subscribe to Fox and ABC out of Dallas. Mine was also signed by the now departed Executive VP.
I got that AEP going from $74.99 to $77.99 letter as well. Charlie is also a pig in my opinion. He raised that package more than the other ones without any explaination whatsoever. Most people dont use those PPV movie coupons. Thats their way of getting people to connect phone lines back in to get all those old ppv's off their receivers to bill you for.

There was no letter sent notifying me about locals being available in my area although some if not all others got letters indicating that. That may be due to me adding them the first day the locals were turned on.
Stargazer said:
I got that AEP going from $74.99 to $77.99 letter as well. Charlie is also a pig in my opinion. He raised that package more than the other ones without any explaination whatsoever. Most people dont use those PPV movie coupons. Thats their way of getting people to connect phone lines back in to get all those old ppv's off their receivers to bill you for.

There was no letter sent notifying me about locals being available in my area although some if not all others got letters indicating that. That may be due to me adding them the first day the locals were turned on.

Are you saying that you have watched PPVs without paying?
No, just that most of us already have the DVDs by the time it hits PPV. Also, I have CC Auto Pay and Electronic Statements, so I never had the envelopes sent to me for me to mail the coupon back. For the first time, the new coupon took people like me into account and now gives me an address to send the completed coupon to.
"I wonder if we can apply the PPV coupon toward HD PPV movies, for partial credit. Anyone?"

No! Already checked. Unless your "one PPV HD is just $3.99. Most are $5.99.

Lord of the Rings was the last PPVHD I did. I agree about the DVD deal. I rent the DVD for $3.00 for 5 days which is a far better deal and the PQ is 500% better. Plus I get the extras!

I wonder if anyone has tried HDPPV on their 921 with recording it to hard drive. I may try this later in the week as an experiment.
I got a letter today signed by Charlie Ergen telling me my bill is going up on Everything pak from $74.99 to $77.99 and also $3.00 a month more for the Latino package and continuous "We will also be adding HITN and more popular channels by February 1st", well I hope the popular channels are more popular then HITN, does any one know what it is? also got the complimentary PPV coupon.
I have no ppv's on my receivers in the purchase info screen and have locked all the ppv channels out as no ppv's are purchased. I have over $100 a month in channels so that none has to be ordered. I got enough to watch on the packages that I have. When I said that is his way to bill you for the PPV's that is stored on your purchase info screen it does not indicate that I watch ppv's without paying.

I dont need PPV when I got AEP plus others ordered. I personally like to know what I am paying from month to month. For example, on long distance I like getting unlimited long distance instead of paying per minute that way I dont have to keep track to prevent a high bill. It makes things simpler especially when you do autopay from a checking account and prevents overdrafts.

I know of some that had overdrafts or came very close to having one because all of a sudden the ppv's over a two or three month period got sent all at once instead of all along. Dish Network HAS lost some customers due to this and it is a problem they need to look into. They do not have the receivers dial out enough. This really hurts those that order the higher ppv events such as wrestling or boxing each month. It all adds up over a two or three month period.
I got another letter from Dish today, second letter within a week. Basically said AT150 renamed to AT180 and price increase of a couple bucks.

And here's a PPV coupon. Sorry Chuck, I don't do PPV. Video store is cheaper.

Then said my locals are now available and you can get a free superdish upgrade. Yeah, right, installed in what year????

Excuse me, locals are unavailable to me. They may be uplinked, but I don't have an antenna to receive them...

Who's the PIG now???? Oink Oink....
Stargazer said:
I have no ppv's on my receivers in the purchase info screen and have locked all the ppv channels out as no ppv's are purchased. I have over $100 a month in channels so that none has to be ordered. I got enough to watch on the packages that I have. When I said that is his way to bill you for the PPV's that is stored on your purchase info screen it does not indicate that I watch ppv's without paying.

I dont need PPV when I got AEP plus others ordered. I personally like to know what I am paying from month to month. For example, on long distance I like getting unlimited long distance instead of paying per minute that way I dont have to keep track to prevent a high bill. It makes things simpler especially when you do autopay from a checking account and prevents overdrafts.

I know of some that had overdrafts or came very close to having one because all of a sudden the ppv's over a two or three month period got sent all at once instead of all along. Dish Network HAS lost some customers due to this and it is a problem they need to look into. They do not have the receivers dial out enough. This really hurts those that order the higher ppv events such as wrestling or boxing each month. It all adds up over a two or three month period.

Ok Star, just checking ....

It's weird because I have noticed in the past the PPVs could stay on the receiver for a couple of months, just like you said, then get billed all in the same month. (If I watch 1 PPV per month it's a lot.) However, I used to spend a LOT of time on the phone, and every week, Saturday, at 1 a.m., I could hear the Dish receiver click the phone line. I don't know if it actually dials to check the line or just looks for a dial tone.

Anyway, recent PPVs seem to get called in more quickly.
If you hear the click on the phone that is an indication that a receiver is trying to dial out to upload the ppv movies to the Dish Network server.

Hopefully Dish Network has figured out the problems with waiting too long to have receivers dial out the ppv's because some cannot afford a high bill one month all of a sudden or that causes the customer to not think highly of keeping the service or paying the bill when there is competition.
I got a letter about a rate increase yesterday.. I watched the Charlie Chat and it said AT120 was only going up $.01 - The letter says it's going up a whole buck.

bcshields said:
I got a letter about a rate increase yesterday.. I watched the Charlie Chat and it said AT120 was only going up $.01 - The letter says it's going up a whole buck.


IIRC, AT60 was going up $.01, AT120 and AT160 up $1.00 and AEP up $3.00.
Bobby said:
IIRC, AT60 was going up $.01, AT120 and AT160 up $1.00 and AEP up $3.00.
AT120 without locals is going up 1.00, AT160 without locals is going up 2.00, AEP is going up 3.00.

The .01 raise referred to AT120 WITH locals. They raised the AT120 price a buck but now only charge $5 for adding locals instead of $5.99 .

As a non-subscriber to locals I get the $1 price increase. The bad news is that DHA people on my package get to pay $39.99 for the exact same channels I get for $34.99, since locals STILL are not available in my area and there is no "without locals" option for DHA.


Latest Rate Increases:Dish vs. Cable

Found an 811!

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