Geosatpro 90 cm dish or motorize my channel master dish?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 25, 2010
I have a channel master 75e with the cm 3" Azel mount on a NPRM.

I can motorize this, will need those adaptor rings at $30 a pair.

Thing is, is 75cm (30") dish do "just fine" for ku, or should I go bigger? I can get a 90cm dish for $90 shipped.

The 75e dish is 37x27 so it will work fine. Unless you want to spend the extra money I'd use what I have already
If you click the links, they don't work.
However, if you clip out and past in the links above, they work fine.

Probably just another artifact of upgrading the forum software last year.
Would anyone be interested in fabricating a light weight mount based on the original Channel Master U-bolt elevation brackets? I have several of the original brackets stored in the garage that I have been keeping for a rainy day project. I don't think that the day will ever arrive. ;)

If anyone is interested in fabricating for the members, I will post some images and dimensions or would consider letting the hardware go to someone committed to the project.
Would be nice to figure out what parts you're talking looking possibly at some pics or a website. :)
That's my baby!

That motor is an SG2100. When it starting having problems though, I got a 9120B, which had a bigger hole drilled through the tube. I suppose I could have drilled out the holes in the mount on the dish, but instead put up a 90cm Fortec Star dish I had, and it has worked well for me. I am able to get a few TPs that were too weak to receive with the old 90cm ChannelMaster/Primestar dish. I was using the original feedhorn with a replacement dual polarity LNB. YMMV.
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