Get us more HD and reduce current SD


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 24, 2004
N. California
I currently receive my HD channels from the satellites 148 and 110. I live on the west coast. Charlie has several birds orbiting above. I can't understand why he wouldn't want to devote broader bandwidth for HD now by converting. By converting the transponders/spot-beams to HD bandwidth, say a channel or two a month, he would have happier HD customers. More HD and less SD which would make it more appealing for consumers and providers to upgrade sooner. For the few HD channels that are currently available , the monthly rate is high. If HD is going to become the standard, I think that the price should more fairly fit the current SD pricing structure. During Charlie's last chat, he did state that there wasn't much of anything out there for HD that is different (more or less). This also applies to what is available in in SD. SD has lots of channels that are duplications, repeats, and same type programming. If something is in HD, get it to us in HD. Keep the current HD package cost the same, make fewer SD, so by 2006, a fairly priced HD package is standard. For those that still have SD, who don't want to upgrade to HD, can then pay more a month for the remaining SD channels. Also, I think that caution is in order for compression. It sounds like it may be necessary for the HD with the amount of beams available. I'm afraid that like SD the compression of HD will degrade the quality of the picture. More orbiting satellites may be a better solution.
That and Charlie said there is no programing too different to carry right now.
I agree that a plausible solution for gaining bandwidth would be to reduce some of the
SD channels. I know everyone will have their own opinion about what SD channels are
expendable, but I think you could start by reducing some of their info stations and do we really need so many shopping networks? Also, Charlie's excuse for not adding more
premium channel HD feeds is that they would replicate the same SD feed, why not eliminate some of the SD feeds and encourage more HD content, and build receivers
that would downconvert HD channels for customers who are slow to adopt HD technology. A few more thoughts: Too many music only channels, Too many pay-per-view channels, Too much duplication of programming options in Top 180.
why not eliminate some of the SD feeds and encourage more HD content, and build receivers
that would downconvert HD channels for customers who are slow to adopt HD technology.
Voom's STB does this, but the Sat companies are locked into an agreement to carry all channels, which is really stupid. If a company has a box that can downconvert the HD to SD and can have all outputs hot at the same time, like Voom does, then the Sat company should not be obligated to carry the SD channel, it is a waste of bandwidth.
So, because the programming comes to Dish in packages from the providers, Dish has no say in what the format that programming is in. Hmmm...
What everyone seems to be ignoring is DISH is under contract to the programmers. As long as those contracts are in force things stay exactly as they are, all you can do is DREAM ON.
korsjs said:
I dropped the hd package yesterday. when they add more channels, i will order it again.

And as more folks do this, Dish is gonna start saying "Why add HD, no one is subscribing to it!"
Quite frankly it comes down to money... What programming package will deliver the most customers paying the most money. Dish and DIRECTV have discoverd that most people want more standard definition channels over HDTV. They have also discovered more people want local channels than HDTV.

Delivering what customers want brings in more customers and more money. If VOOM were to somehow suddenly start to get customers, E*/D* would react and add more HD to fight back. Adding 10-20k customers a quarter is just not exciting. If VOOM were to add 100k a quarter believe me E*/D* would sit up and take notice and you would see a bunch of HD suddenly appear.
"Of course will buy your software licenses Mr. Gates, after all, all the money in PCs in the hardware". Some businesses and their leaders see the future, others react to it. E* is a reationary firm, not a leader.
Carl B said:
"Of course will buy your software licenses Mr. Gates, after all, all the money in PCs in the hardware". Some businesses and their leaders see the future, others react to it. E* is a reationary firm, not a leader.

I've heard Echostar called a lot of things but I've never heard anyone call them "reationary" before :confused: :D :p


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Do I need a DISH receiver to view programs?

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