Getting Dishnetwork WIHTOUT a SSN


Amish Satellite Technician
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Apr 13, 2005
Nashville, TN
I have a (potential) customer (a few people, actually) who wants Dishnetwork, but does not have a Social Security Number. Is there a way around this?

Just to stem the tide a bit please know that they are NOT going to GET a SSN for reasons outside the scope of this thread. It's not my intent to take the thread in that direction.
Your best bet would be get a pre paid system.

While they are offering some packages without a SSN, from what I hear its more hassle then what its worth.
I have a (potential) customer (a few people, actually) who wants Dishnetwork, but does not have a Social Security Number. Is there a way around this?

Just to stem the tide a bit please know that they are NOT going to GET a SSN for reasons outside the scope of this thread. It's not my intent to take the thread in that direction.

A person can install or have installed their own purchased equipment at their second residence in the USA while being a non-American who would not have a SSN.
Lots of people have second addresses in the USA with satellite systems but are from other countries.
I might add that they would probably have to guarantee payment with a direct withdrawal from a credit card. I think this is the reason for SSN preference.
I have a (potential) customer (a few people, actually) who wants Dishnetwork, but does not have a Social Security Number. Is there a way around this?
The SSN is for Dish to run a credit check. Without a credit check (that passes), Dish will not "give" a customer free equipment (or loan them the equipment). In this case, the ONLY option is to buy the needed equipment outright.
I thought the $50 fee was waived for only providing the last 4 of the social security number. Dish Network accepted it for one of my customers a few weeks back. Am I going to take a $50 hit in my commission now? Customer REFUSED to give the whole social security number.
"I thought the $50 fee was waived for only providing the last 4 of the social security number. Dish Network accepted it for one of my customers a few weeks back. Am I going to take a $50 hit in my commission now? Customer REFUSED to give the whole social security number."

You are correct...I don't know what Tom_P is referring to. There is no charge for using the last 4 digits...
it is possible to install without SSN, On the activation Screen build the account using INTERNATIONAL NO SSN PROMO once you get the account no just activate with any programming package they want . they will have to pay for the equipment . I normally charge $ 249 .
At least for new customers for the current there's the option for the last 4 digits of the SS. This option have a $50 charge.

I believe I read somewhere that if they (anyone) has the last 4 digits of your SSN and your address they still can do a credit check anyways. :)

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