622 or 625?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 14, 2006
Ever so close to 'Dish ing it up'; Checking into an installer to get questions answered in advance(no surprises,gulp).

I've seen the lineup on HD channels, and I'm just not sure about throwing $199. into the vip622, although it sounds like the way to go IF there's more HD on the way. I've got 3 HD ch. on Time Warner Cable. wow

Well, this is the way I want to go: either receiver for my main tv and run tv2 through the cable run in my house for the other ones. Not a problem about how I'm restricted to one channel on the other tvs at a time.

If I go with 625, what's the difference? MPEG2 or 4, right? More HD in the future--go with 622. If I go with 625, and later want the 622, would I have to get a new dish outside?

By the way, this is THE site---thanks for all the info and thoughts.:confused:
I could probably wait, but if I need to upgrade the outside dish, I'd be inclined to get it all now.
E* already offers up to 30 HD channels plus locals if you are in the right market. How much more HD do you want?

The 625 is a good SD receiver, but its just that - and SD receiver. The 622 will give you 30 hours of HD recording and/or 200 hours of SD recording; more than any other that I am aware of.

assuming you have a HD set, I'd go for the 622; and $199 is a LOT better than the $299 I paid as an early adopter....
I just went through that same thought process and ordered a 625 this morning. Why, two reasons
1. You do not have to subscribe to the HD package saving some bucks.
2. In my opinion (having previously subscribed to the HD package(s) for several years with my 6000 and 811, the only HD that I enjoyed was the network stuff which is still free if you get an 811 and have a HD monitor. If you like the 20 plus channels of HD content, then the 622 is the better deal.

Also, if you go with the 625 and later on decide to go with a HD package, there will be more deals to come or a continuation of the deals. DIU has a 18 mt committment and locks you into a year before you get another DIU upgrade, but Dish will "probably" continue their HD upgrade options because they make pure profit once the initial investment is overtaken. Also be aware that as been universally reported here the quality of a OTA HD local has consistently been very good with the 811 etal MPEG 2 receivers.

My opinion...others will disagree...you decide on what you want to watch and are willing to pay.

Getting Dishnetwork WIHTOUT a SSN

"Loss of input signal" message, 622, OTA

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