Getting tired of all the email...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 19, 2005
Some old corn field, United States
Is anybody else getting tired of receiving 25+ offers for Dish network in your email boxes? God I am. The retailer that I contract with refuses to spam peoples emails just because there are so many out there doing it. I tried to unsubscribe to dozens of these install companies but found out that is useless because they will continue to spam me.
I check my email at 3 this afternoon and had 26 dish offers and 1 direct tv offer, 6 hours later I had 13 more for dish and none from direct.

Now direct tv is another story, I receive at least 3 letters in my mailbox (post office) every week. I have a trash can by my front door so I just toss them away as I go back in to the house. That's getting old too.
Most of the return addresses you see are either non-existent or "spoofed" from some poor souls real email address.
Spam? What's that?

(My email servers are protected by a Barracuda, and inbound SMTP from China and Korea is blocked at the edge router. I get at most two or three things quarantined that I don't want per day. Before Barracuda, I got several dozens of spam per day. I feel truly sorry for anyone who is using an unfiltered email service)

If you're getting 20+ on a daily basis, a rant to your email provider is severely overdue.
Also consider Mailwasher Pro. It captures all incoming emails and recommends "Spam" on most unwanted ones, you can then assign "Blacklist" or "Friend" to specific sites (it remembers your choices and applies them to future emails). Click "Process Mail" and all that gets thru are the good ones. See:
Also consider Mailwasher Pro. It captures all incoming emails and recommends "Spam" on most unwanted ones, you can then assign "Blacklist" or "Friend" to specific sites (it remembers your choices and applies them to future emails). Click "Process Mail" and all that gets thru are the good ones. See:
Save your Money Mailwasher pro doesnt do anything you cant do for yourself.
in junk folder

All the spam that I get winds up in my junk folder and I only get a few per day maybe 3. I think the OP has gotten himself on a spam mailing list.
I've never been into spam much. Although I remember when I was a kid I liked it grilled in a pan and put into scrambled eggs.
Is anybody else getting tired of receiving 25+ offers for Dish network in your email boxes? God I am. The retailer that I contract with refuses to spam peoples emails just because there are so many out there doing it. I tried to unsubscribe to dozens of these install companies but found out that is useless because they will continue to spam me.
I check my email at 3 this afternoon and had 26 dish offers and 1 direct tv offer, 6 hours later I had 13 more for dish and none from direct.

Now direct tv is another story, I receive at least 3 letters in my mailbox (post office) every week. I have a trash can by my front door so I just toss them away as I go back in to the house. That's getting old too.

Since, we switched to E* D* mails letters to us very often and e-mails as well.
What I'm more pissed about is my ISP (att) has spam filtering. You can even add (blacklist) domains. So I get about 8-10 spams a day. I add them as 'spam', but the same 8-10 are back the next day. The filter however DOES a good job of recognizing legit emails as spam!:mad: