Glittery Video Using 811 DVI Output


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 18, 2004
Somewhere in the windy west
Just got my 811 hooked up this morning and already have a problem. I get white speckles, not quite digitizing more like an old fashion analog snow storm, when using the DVI output. It really appears bad against a static background (i.e. blue background of the setup menu pages) and the effect does slightly dissipate when watching a regular channel. Switching to the component input produces a very clean picture. I thought this was discussed in an earlier thread, but I could not find it. Does anyone remember the tread or resolution to the problem? Thanks in advance.
That is a bummer. Could be the 811, the cable or your TVs DVI input.
The only way to isolate it is to:
1. Try a different DVI cable
2. Try a different DVI feed, a friends 811, a DVD player with DVI output or some other device with DVI output.
3. Last but not least, try the 811 on someone elses TV with DVI input.
Odds are it is either the cable or the 811. I hope not your TV as that would be the most expensive to replace, unless under warrenty.
Good luck.
You may want see if you have any improvements if you change HD output. I have notice that I will get a better picture if I change the HD output to 720p if I'm watching ESPN or ABC. It might be worth playing around it.
Sat_Jockey said:
I narrowed the culprit down to the DVI cable. Had to barrow one off my brother-in-laws set to make the comparison. Thanks for all the suggestions/help.

That is very good news... the easiest and cheapest to fix out of all the possible things it could have been.
I ordered the cable (Item # DVIDL-3) on-line from Pacific Custom Cable Inc. The price was $24.00 + shipping. I called them this morning and talked to their tech rep (David) about my situation and troubleshooting findings. David said it is vary rare that a bad cable gets shipped, due to factory testing methods. The final result is that they made good on the transaction, a replacement cable is on its way via Fed Ex, with no hassles.

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