"Green" SWM for MRV

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 1, 2009
Every ad/thread I read it says I need a green swm switch for MRV. Is this really true? I have a green splitter, HR22 (still need the DECA), an H25, and a non-green SWM8 (or at least I think it's not green since there are no "green" stickers on it - about 2 years old). I don't want to buy a DECA box and signup for service and find out that it wont work. Any ideas?

If you are signing up for service as a new customer Directv will supply all of the equipment you will need assuming they are doing the installation.
It's just the splitter that's green. They have an internal filter that blocks the DECA signal from going upstream to the SWM.

As raoul5788 wrote, they will install all of the right stuff at the time of the install.
Thanks for the replies. As I said, I already have everything. I want to buy a DECA box and service, but just wanted to make sure that my SWM switch is compatible. I don't need D to install anything since I can get the box online for like $15 on ebay. Thanks!
Directv will supply it for free if they do the work.
Just set it up about an hour ago. Works without any issues. Having said that, dealing with DTV's customer service to get it activated took 2 phone calls. One was 42 mins long and the other was 5 mins. First person was completely clueless on how to activate the service. She kept telling me I needed to have SWM and I kept telling her I do. "Oh, but your account records don't show that." She said she couldn't fix or update that I do have SWM. Finally, she just ended up putting my on hold for so long the phone system kicked me out and I had to call back. I told the second person the story, she looked at my account for 10 seconds and then said I just activated it, please check your DVR. Sigh...
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