Greetings from the DISH Press event

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Greetings from the Dish Press Event.

Sent from my iPad using The SatelliteGuys app!


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Great Swag! Make sure you grab a Gift Bag!
All I heard was they are promoting it starting the first quarter. I did not hear an official launch date though.
Wouldn't you know it the event started and Internet on verizon went down.

Sent from my iPad using The SatelliteGuys app!
It's really strange I can have 5 bars 3g on my phone but there is no Internet available although sometimes it works.

Got a lot of pics and video to share.

Will post my thought later but will say everything they announced I seen posted somewhere before. :D
I like the new Dish stuff, but the Joey/Hopper names fail IMO.

Also saw a company that starts offering 12mbps down sat HSI this month, too bad their monthly bandwidth limitations/$$$ SUCK!!!
I don't mind the Joey/Hopper names. I thought that Wii was a terrible name but it seemed to catch on just fine. I think it's easier for customers to remember Hopper than it is xip813.

Clarity on Club Dish?

Old Reicevers, and shippin them back

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