Guide says one thing, channel banner says another?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
Has anyone ever had this happened. I had scheduled The Apprentice to record today at 1am on CNBC. I noticed The Apprentice wasn't being shown so i checked the guide but it still showed The Apprentice. When I went to go delete the recording, it showed Cover to Cover, the channel banner also show Cover to Cover. I'm using a 508. Did the guide update, but somehow not override the old update completely?
My 811 has been getting confused on channels a lot lately. I also noticed my 6000 is doing it too, but does not seem to be doing it as much. I have to reboot them to get them fixed. The other day it wanted me to do PPV on OTA local channels. I wonder if Dish is having problems with the guide data.
My 811 has done this 2 or 3 times since I got it. A "hard reboot" (holding power button in for 5-10 sec and then turning back on) always fixes it. If your receiver has a smartcard, try pulling it out and putting it back in.
I've noticed when I start recording a minute earlier, the recording event takes the name of the program when it started recording rather than the name of the program I want to record. This has happened numerous times on both my 508's.
AppliedAggression said:
Has anyone ever had this happened. I had scheduled The Apprentice to record today at 1am on CNBC. I noticed The Apprentice wasn't being shown so i checked the guide but it still showed The Apprentice. When I went to go delete the recording, it showed Cover to Cover, the channel banner also show Cover to Cover. I'm using a 508. Did the guide update, but somehow not override the old update completely?

This has happened to me at least twice. When I reset the unit it worked the correct way. I sure wish Dish would hurry up with that fix for the menu--supposed to be here this month and the month is getting short.
JoeSp said:
This has happened to me at least twice. When I reset the unit it worked the correct way. I sure wish Dish would hurry up with that fix for the menu--supposed to be here this month and the month is getting short.

Sorry but which fix, for what menu?
Corrupted Dish guide

I too have had ongoing problems with my E*6000 program guide. It would show PPV on regular channels, an entirely different program would be listed
in place of another program or it would say that your smartcard is not authorized to receive this program. I have pulled out the smartcard and replaced it as well as pull the plug and restart. A few members of AVS suggested that I remove the 8psk module and reinstall it. I finally dis that several days ago and no problems since.
AppliedAggression said:
Sorry but which fix, for what menu?

According to the Advanced CSR who helped me with the NBA on HD on the HD Special Event channel (gave me the hit so that I could watch the games being shown in HD). He stated that they hoped to get the 2 day menu done and that they were trying to solve the OTA HD channel menu at the same time. He stated that they were still hoping to get this out by the end of Feb.
sgtjim said:
I too have had ongoing problems with my E*6000 program guide. It would show PPV on regular channels, an entirely different program would be listed
in place of another program or it would say that your smartcard is not authorized to receive this program. I have pulled out the smartcard and replaced it as well as pull the plug and restart. A few members of AVS suggested that I remove the 8psk module and reinstall it. I finally dis that several days ago and no problems since.

I had the exact same problem a couple of weeks ago. Did a reset with the
power switch and it hasn't returned. I'm wondering if they transmitted a
corrupted guide and nothing was really wrong with our 6000s?
I noticed the same thing happend to me with MTV(160) the other night. I called Dish but they said there was nothing in the system showing many people having the same problem. I tried both the power button reboot and the smart card reboot and neither fixed it.

They guy at Dish said it was MTV's fault for changing the programming on them.


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