H364 loss of function


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 26, 2009
Can others verify?

1. Sirius Music Channels: When trying to fast forward or rewind (like we have done for the last 10 years+) error messages read: “Fast forward unavailable for this program” or “Rewind unavailable for this program”, This Was great when listening to music countdowns on various music channels.

2. Football or Baseball games: Now almost impossible to Fast forward and hit the correct spot between plays or pitches, useful to skip the announcers between play banter.
#2 - Since they did away with the 4X fast forward (several years ago) it is impossible to fast forward to a spot - the 15X is just too fast.


I use an older remote 20.1, and I just use the skip fwd button which advances 30 seconds at a time and the skip back button goes back 10 seconds. So sometimes it is a little back and forth to get what I want. Would that work for you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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