hahaha what the hell am I doing...

Wonder how good those goggles are? I have the standard game pre-ordered from Amazon. $10 credit, once the game ships.
UP TO 50 feet. My guess is actually about 20 feet. Either way, pretty cool. :D
Let us know how they work. Military grade goggles are what? $2000+?
LOL the topic mad me laugh after reading the post. Must have updates on this, how well they work, what you did with them, you know crap like that stuff.
This is sitting firmly in my GF Queue, and will likely be returned as soon as I'm done with the Single Player campaign. Yes, I am one of those few mutant rejects who DIDN'T like CoD:MW innovative yet fundamentally flawed multiplayer.
Wow really? CoDMW is probably my favorite multiplayer of all time. What didn't you like? The single player for that game was OK, but not great.
Wow really? CoDMW is probably my favorite multiplayer of all time. What didn't you like? The single player for that game was OK, but not great.

It's a personal preference. Obviously with 10 million+ buyers per system the multiplayer is appealing to many, but here's things I don't like about it:

1. Rewarding players with added weapons/tactics for doing well. I found it annoying to be in the middle of matches struggling to get in the top 3 finishers when I would be alerted of a bombing run, or run around and see dogs were coming after me, etc etc. I prefer a level playing field, not giving good players tools to help them get better scores. That's like if in football, if you scored 2 straight touchdowns, they rewarded you by giving you 5 downs to get a first down.

2. Blocking off game modes until you gained enough experience in other modes. This is just plain stupid. If I like playing King of the Hill I shouldn't have to play a bunch of DM/Team DM matches beforehand. I didn't pay $50+ for a game where I am being forced to play "filler" matches in order to get to the ones that I want.

3. Getting better weapons with more experience points. See point 1. Give us everything up front.

As I said, obviously this is appealing to many players, but I'm not one of them. Given how some are projecting that MW2 will be the best selling game EVAR, I doubt my holding out will do much to affect the game's bottom line.
It's a personal preference. Obviously with 10 million+ buyers per system the multiplayer is appealing to many, but here's things I don't like about it:

1. Rewarding players with added weapons/tactics for doing well. I found it annoying to be in the middle of matches struggling to get in the top 3 finishers when I would be alerted of a bombing run, or run around and see dogs were coming after me, etc etc. I prefer a level playing field, not giving good players tools to help them get better scores. That's like if in football, if you scored 2 straight touchdowns, they rewarded you by giving you 5 downs to get a first down.

2. Blocking off game modes until you gained enough experience in other modes. This is just plain stupid. If I like playing King of the Hill I shouldn't have to play a bunch of DM/Team DM matches beforehand. I didn't pay $50+ for a game where I am being forced to play "filler" matches in order to get to the ones that I want.

3. Getting better weapons with more experience points. See point 1. Give us everything up front.

As I said, obviously this is appealing to many players, but I'm not one of them. Given how some are projecting that MW2 will be the best selling game EVAR, I doubt my holding out will do much to affect the game's bottom line.

It isn't appealing to me but I deal with it and move on. It doesn't take real long to rank up to get all the weapons at least if your good it doesn't. ;):D
Or even if your not that good. Lots of ways to rank up by doing specials and the double experience point weekends help a lot.
I agree that you should not have to jump through hoops just to have a level playing field. AND I HATE DOGS and Glitchers
Is the dog thing just on the Xbox version? I've never seen that. I personally love all the things that you don't like, haha. Like you said, personal preference.
I hate the damn dogs in COD WaW. At least in COD4, you can hide from the helicopter.
I hate the damn dogs in COD WaW. At least in COD4, you can hide from the helicopter.
I just sold my copy of WaW. I didn't even want it in the first place. It was a surprise Xmas gift. I gladly traded it in towards a copy of Halo: ODST and Beatles Rock Band.
I just sold my copy of WaW. I didn't even want it in the first place. It was a surprise Xmas gift. I gladly traded it in towards a copy of Halo: ODST and Beatles Rock Band.
I'm still playing both COD 4 and WaW. I'll dump them when the we get close to MW2 release date.
My oldest son is already hitting me up for Halo: OSDT. Too many games we want coming out this fall/winter.
Beatles Rockband
Forza 3
NHL10 or NHL2K10
GH 5 - thinking about it since you get GH: Val Halen free
Lego Rockband
I'm sure I missed a couple.
Saw the game which is nice but the Goggles are a joke. Will be great for your 4 year old to play with. Nothing but a flashlight and some green gel to look through. ha ha!

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