Has anyone else been talking to Executive Offices of Dish Network recently ?


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Supporting Founder
Feb 16, 2004
Just curious if anyone else has been talking with anyone at the Executive Offices of Dish Network ?

A couple of weeks ago I was ready to cancel my account with Dish and sent my complaints to the ceoechostar link. This guy (won't mention his name quite yet) emailed me a few times and then finally called me last week.

Without going into a lot of details (at least for right now), we reached an agreement for which I would stay on with Dish for a while longer.

As of today, he hasn't followed through on what he said nor has he called me back. He has not answered my emails or voice messages to his private number either.

So today I call his number again and this time there's a message saying he's basically unavailable for 5 weeks starting today. I don't understand what's going on because he seemed like a pretty straight dude and was willing to make what I thought was a reasonable deal for me to stay with Dish. Now he's like gone and I don't know what to do.

This is not like the usual dialogs with CSRs who really have no authority to do anything. This guy was supposedly high up and now I'm feeling like I've been lied to big time here and not sure what to do next.

Does anyone have a general phone number to the executive offices? Every time I call the number he gave me, I can't get past his message.

PS: I will be posting more specific information but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt for a while longer but in the mean time I was curious if anyone else had run into this ?
Your probalby out of luck unless you can find someone else high up to give you the same deal and by the time he comes back (if he does) he will have forgotten by then.

I am in the exact same boat as you. I have also been talking to him and got the same message last night. I emailed again to the ceo address, so I'll let you know what happens. BFG, if you can be of help, please let me know. Thanks.
Sparkman said:

I am in the exact same boat as you. I have also been talking to him and got the same message last night. I emailed again to the ceo address, so I'll let you know what happens. BFG, if you can be of help, please let me know. Thanks.
Shortly after I put up that post, I also sent an email to ceo@echostar.com and within an hour after that I got a call from another "executive office" person. This person explained why the origional guy was not available but also indicated that my origional deal would probably be honored and that I just give him 48 hours to straighten it out.

Maybe I'm wrong but I have this nagging feeling that Dish ceo people may be using stall tactics here. For what I don't know, unless Dish is planning some sort of announcment soon that they hope will negate the need for some of these churn preventing deals.
waltinvt\ said:
Shortly after I put up that post, I also sent an email to ceo@echostar.com and within an hour after that I got a call from another "executive office" person. This person explained why the origional guy was not available but also indicated that my origional deal would probably be honored and that I just give him 48 hours to straighten it out.

Maybe I'm wrong but I have this nagging feeling that Dish ceo people may be using stall tactics here. For what I don't know, unless Dish is planning some sort of announcment soon that they hope will negate the need for some of these churn preventing deals.


Send me a PM. I'm curious what the reason they said he is gone is. I sent my email at about 9pm last night, haven't heard yet from them. The people who work in this unit seem to be 2nd shift people, so maybe they'll call tonight. Also, did they say why your original deal would only "probably" be honored. If the 1st guy, (J.U.), documented the deal in the system, anyone there should be able see it and honor it.

It's sad that Dish has to have these "high up" people handle all this. Isn't this what CSR are for? At least you guys are getting some action. Good luck.
I don't think these are really "CEO" people but rather higher end CSR's or managers. I am pretty sure that their job is to work with escalated issues. When I was having problems with my 921 I got put through to someone via the 800 number and they said I would get a call back. I immediately picked up the phone and dialed the number to the CEO office and got the same person. They were very helpful and did solve all of my problems. (well most of them, I didn't bother with the NBR or OTA mapping - at that point I was happy to have a working 921)
what was the deal they offered you guys? the offered me free showtime and hbo for one month to try to get me to stay. i told them - no thank you.
Hahaha That is funny. same guy I have been going back and forth with for a month. I am definitely going to leave dish now. He told me last week he couldn't take care of this anymore since he was going to be gone for 5 weeks. Wonder if he quit
Imagine that, they have staff turnover.... Maybe he was even fired for doing something unrelated to you.

I would try again. The lady I worked with there was quite helpful. I didn't get any "freebies" though, but I didn't really try or want them. I just wanted two 522s, and I have had them for 2 months now. :)

warper said:
Hahaha That is funny. same guy I have been going back and forth with for a month. I am definitely going to leave dish now. He told me last week he couldn't take care of this anymore since he was going to be gone for 5 weeks. Wonder if he quit
Judd, the guy that took over Jason's stuff said that Jason was "off for 5 weeks to get a new apartment".....

Jason had told me I could even swap a 921 for my 811 if I'd stay and give Dish a while longer. Then after 4 or 5 days of watching for the UPS truck and hearing nothing I wrote another email. That's when this Judd took over and even he said at first that both he and Justin had thought the 921 had been shipped.

Then he got back to me and told me there was no 921 coming. They reneged on the whole deal. I then asked if they'd at least allow me the price of the 811 towards the 921 and they wouldn't even consider it. Nothing. The most they'd do is replace my 811 (for the 4th time).

I'm looking into all my other options and if at all possible, I'm outta here. Being cheap and apathetic is one thing but outright lying is something else.

I'd definitly consider taking part in a class action lawsuit if there was one for those of us that spent all this money on Hd equipment and programming based on Dish Network's various promises that they haven't kept. I mean really: None of their HD receivers work right; they've not put up any of the HD channels they led us to believe they would and have actually stated there won't be any new HD until MPEG4 which means another year and then our hardware will be obsolete and they can hose us all over again.
Dish Network must be a lot more generous than I thought they were if they allow someone five weeks off from work to find an apartment to live in and Jason must be doing pretty good if he can afford to take off five weeks to get another apartment.

I was talking on the phone about getting a deal for two 508's once to make up for some bull I had to go through (and I read where people online were getting the deal so I wanted it too). I got on the phone with a gentleman that was saying "here is what I am going to do (click)" and that really ticked me off especially after being on the phone for hours and many phone calls already. By the time I finally got my 508 deal I didn't want them anymore like I did when I tried to get them and decided to sell them and made a profit to make up for all the time and hassle they put me through.
Just thought I would chime in. I have been attempting to speak with Jason for over 4 weeks now, no lie, not kidding. After numerous emails, he finally responded and we schedule a day to talk. What does he do? Does not call me. I even email his and leave a voice mail for him reminding him he didn't call. Well, he emails me saying sorry, been real busy but I am in the office for an hour and a half if you want to call back. So I do and nothing. This guy is completely lame and fits in with the Dishnetwork modo. Keep the lies going til the customer forgets about it. Has anyone ever called this guy and actually spoke to him? I have called literally 40 times and not once had him pick up and answer. And for over a week, his voicemail was overloaded that you could not leave a message. Jason, you know who this is. Call me. This game is real old and I am not giving up. Any E* employees reading this, point this message to him. I am not usually this pissed off but an employee has a job to do and this guy is appalling.
If you still feel the way you did when you started the cancel process, just cancel now. How many times would you let the same person stand you up for a dinner or some other social engagement? That person is not your friend, and from what it sounds like Dish Network is not your DBS provider.

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