I'm inclined to believe that 0's on 119 indicate a bad LNB rather than something blocking the signal. The dish is actually looking through a gap in the tree canopy of my wooded lot. What I've been trying to figure out is which side is being blocked. Since 119 is the farthest most bird in one direction of the satellite arc, and the feedhorns on the LNB are arrayed from the center of the LNB assembly to the left as you look from behind the dish reflector, can it then be assumed that the signal from 119 comes from the right looking up from behind the dish? Depending on any answers I get, I will likely swap back to my non-SWM LNB and see if I get anything but 0's on 119. If I do, I'll know I have a bad SWM LNB. If still 0's, I guess I'll be AZ adjusting again. Geez, I LOVE this job!