Has Your Significant Other Noticed HD-Lite?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
Winfield, AL
I've noticed this around, and I was just curious.

Last night my wife made my jaw drop when she told me (and I quote):

"What is wrong with the HD? It doesn't look as good as it used to. I want it to go back to the way it looked when we first got it."

She was wanting me to fix it!!! I tried to explain to her that it was Dish, but you must realize, she is NOT technically inclined. She has never cared about picture quality until we got HD, and now she is commenting on HD-Lite, even though she doesn't know what that is! Anybody else have the non-technical folks in your household noticing the HD-Lite problem?
Nope . The entire concept of hd and electronics is wasted on her. She would be as happy with analog cable or ota analog reception. Half the time she will watch hd programs in partial zoom mode and watch the analog channels with the black bars.
All my wife knows is we're paying $20 more a month and getting some more channels. She usually doesn't notice the difference unless I point out how clear something is.
Hmm well depending on the channel and what not even the HD Lite things still dont look that bad. Some channels you can tell some diffrence but not a night and day. Folks blow this way out of portion way too much.. Every company will have this issue untill more of their current customers get on current receivers so forth. Plus Dish will half to change things but there are many combinations of things that effect this which apply to every company that offers HD Service. Overtime this will be address but not untill everything is on the same platform..
Hmm well depending on the channel and what not even the HD Lite things still dont look that bad. Some channels you can tell some diffrence but not a night and day. Folks blow this way out of portion way too much.. Every company will have this issue untill more of their current customers get on current receivers so forth. Plus Dish will half to change things but there are many combinations of things that effect this which apply to every company that offers HD Service. Overtime this will be address but not untill everything is on the same platform..

Not trying to blow things out of proportion, just wondering if any "non-techies" notice the difference.
Have to say my wife is on board. She LOVES the new HD, and easily sees the difference between SD and HD, and would not go back now.

As for noticing HD Light? Well she has complained about macroblocking a few times. She was commenting about signal losses on our OTA tuner. She is pretty savvy.

Honestly I think she has enjoyed our new HD tv and VIP622 at least as much as I have. She is a big HGTV-HD, FoodTV-HD, Network Show HD fan.
I even found her at home one time switching between Jay leno on the OTA tuner (i.e. HD) and Jay Leno on the SD sat feed. She was really impressed with the picture quality increase.
I even found her at home one time switching between Jay leno on the OTA tuner (i.e. HD) and Jay Leno on the SD sat feed. She was really impressed with the picture quality increase.
It took over two years for my wife to do that !! I distinctly recall flipping between a football game in HD and the same game in analog. Her reaction was "what ? I don't see a difference". Recently she did the same thing to show a neighbor the difference.
My wife knows because I've complained about it.

To her she would be just as happy with OTA or analog cable as well. She says the HDTV and DISH-HD are my toys. All she knows is it costs a pretty penny every month.
My wife can tell the difference between HD and SD, but thats about it. But I don't think she would ever be able to distinguish between HD and HDLite.

The only thing she comments on is "stretch-o-vision." :D
OK Dish folks have fun with this..but when the local channel stutters during football (HD feed) she asks me to turn it on SD cuz its making her sick.

Neither of us understand why the pats game in HD on the local station looks choppy and the one on the Sunday Ticket feed looks fantastic.

At some point we ALL should work together to fight this crap.
I guess I should give my wife a little more credit, it seems she is more technically inclined than I thought.

While picture quality DEFINITELY isn't the first thing on her mind, I guess HD has gotten her a little spoiled (I know I sure was when I turned on my 811 for the first time and watched college football!!!).
My wife can tell HDNET and HDMOVIE is not as good as it used to. And she says the HD demo is the best looking one.

You'd best remember what happened to people who spoke the truth in the past. It frequently involved a post/stake and a lot of kindling. :haha ;)
ahem Well since all you men answered I will pipe up ... Ok HUBBY can tell the difference between analog and digital but not sd and hd. He complains about "the picture breaking up" but as long as it is stable and he doesnt miss anything he is ok He is not at all a techie and hasnt a clue about HD lite

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