Hate to say this:


Founding Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 7, 2003
I hate to say this, but I noticed my cable company (Insight Communications) has a DVR/HD box that can record HD and SD. True its only 40 hours for SD and 10 hours for HD, but still, that beats the 510 for HD. I wish DISH would get the bugs worked out of their receivers.
My dad's cable company (Armstrong) also has one, its the Moto 6208. I am in a Comcast area, and we don't have any DVR (sometime this year).

Another thing, his cable co. is passing the 5.1 signals on every premium channel that has them (like Max and ENCORE). Cable seems to be the hot ticket (depending on your area).

DVR510 crashing and rebooting

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