Have we been hacked?

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Press On Regardless
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 29, 2003
Sheboygan, WI
I am getting a big block labeled "Stop Censorship" over the satguys logo
Nope, not hacked I put it up there for today...

The government could pass a law that could make sites like our shut down as we would need to check each post and approve them before they are available to the world...
Nope, not hacked I put it up there for today...

The government could pass a law that could make sites like our shut down as we would need to check each post and approve them before they are available to the world...
Might be best to post that on the front page so people don't freak out when they 1st see it.
It IS scary when threats of that kind of "policing" surface. Its like the "fairness doctrine" for radio. When they threaten to bring that back, its not that I'm scared of politics on my station. We steer CLEAR of that and leave it to the "all talk" stations. What scares me is if someone pushes the envelope too far, and says, "since you give time to the local Public Schools, I'm AGAINST them and I want equal time." You may laugh, but all the GOOD radio and other media can do can be WIPED OUT by one or two loudmouths, if anything like the fairness doctrine come back. Its not the rule itself. Its those who BEND the rules for their own agendas. And yes, THAT scares me. We do too much good as an industry (and locally) for that to happen. And, so do sites like this one!

Applause to you, Scott for awareness. Missed the original popup and post, but applause.
One of the things I don't like about this bill is that forums like our could be requred to appove each post before it is shown publiclly just to make sure that the post contains no copyrighted works.
One of the things I don't like about this bill is that forums like our could be requred to appove each post before it is shown publiclly just to make sure that the post contains no copyrighted works.

Not to get too political about this, but if this bill passes we might as well kiss the First Amendment goodbye. Thank you for posting a news article and a link for this.
Nope, not hacked I put it up there for today...

The government could pass a law that could make sites like our shut down as we would need to check each post and approve them before they are available to the world...

How many more freedoms are we going to give up before the government is satisfied? All of them?
This is probably reason #3326 why I support the invisible candidate, the 13th floor of the hotel. That's all I'll say and it's probably too much for the forum guidelines already.
From doing some reading, some of the biggest companies support this stupid legislation. I wonder sometimes who's going to have more freedom, us or China.
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