HD 811 DVI problem?


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Apr 22, 2004
I connected my HD 811 receiver DVI connection to my RCA DLP TV DVI connection and I get a picture that looks like I'm looking through a "bright green filter". The HD 811 receiver and TV work fine in the composite and component mode. I have tried two DVI cables and got the same results both times. RCA won't look at the TV until I prove that the HD 811 receiver is not the problem. Anybody got any ideas?
Well it probably is the display. Go into the TV's set-up menu and make sure everything is correct in the input options for the DVI to work.

If there's nothing to change and you're sure your connections are snug, plug your 811 into the DVI input of any friend that has one (if you can) and bring up the menu.

If you don't have a friend to help out, tell the store you bought the TV from to fix it, replace it, or give you your money back. Chances are they'll dispatch a tech. Worse case scenario is you pay him for his time if he doesn't find a problem. Then you RA the 811. (Haven't seen any with DVI output problems so far, tho.)

'course you could exchange the 811, first. Then if the problem persists you have proof the RCA is the culprit.

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